Need advice for perking up boooooring front garden beds

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Hi! We have recently moved into a house on Cape Cod (z 7a). We inherited front garden beds planted with the usual suspects for this zone: evergreen shrubs like rhodos, hardy azaleas, astilbes, and some bushes that have definite green meatball tendencies. The area faces north east and gets morning sun till about noon. I'd like to add some excitement with annuals or perennials, and I'd like to have something blooming from March (narcissus?) to frost. I know, I know, not asking for much. I don't mind digging some annuals out and replacing them as the season moves on, if need be.
Oh yes: the house is going to be repainted a warm tan shade.
I just found this site and am overwhelmed by the expertise available on it.
Thanks is advance.
--Emily, a newbie.

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