Grape leaves turning yellow

Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

I bought it as a bareroot in February and it's been growing well in a half-barrel. Some of the lower, older leaves started to turn yellow about 2 weeks ago. Does it need to be fed or something? It's my first grape vine so I need help. Thank you.

Thumbnail by Quyen
Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

Here's a closer look at the leaves.

Thumbnail by Quyen
Monon, IN

Sometimes those big pots can get clogged. Is it draining well? Are you maybe overwatering it? How often do you fertilize it?

Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

I haven't fertilized it yet b'c I don't know what to give it. Should I use an all-purpose fertilizer or one that's for fruit trees?
I'll check the drainage. It's been so very hot here for the past several weeks so I may have over did it with the watering. Thanks, CarolJeanie.

Monon, IN

I don't know much at all about growing grapes. Sorry. There must be plenty on line about the basics of growing grapes, including what kind and how much fertilizer to give them. But since the plant is in a pot, you will need to give less than if it was in the ground. Granular fertilizers generally say to use a tablespoon per gallon of water for plants in the ground and a teaspoon per gallon for plants in pots.

Baltimore, MD

It looks like it needs a little fertilizer. I don't see any signs of disease. When a plant is not so happy the older leaves get shedded first.

Grapes are supposedly hard to get fruit out of when grown in pots, so if you want fruit you should try to find a spot to plant it in the ground.


Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

Thanks for the suggestions, CarolJeanie and Scott. I worked about 1/4 cup of fruit tree fertilizer into the top 3-4 inches of soil and watered it well. We'll see what happens. It's been so hot here today (102+), all my plants are nearly unconscious.

I know that grapes in the ground will fare better than in containers but I don't really have a spot for it yet--not to mention that I don't have anyone to dig the hole for me :-# I'll wait and see how it does next year.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

What kind of grapes are they? If your trying to grow Pino Nior it won't work your way to hot. Chard for that matter etc. It really depends on what kind of grape your trying to grow.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

That looks like my grape leaves. The leaf is yellowing and the veins are staying green. I figured it needed fertilizer because of the symptoms. I have cedar mulch on mine, but we haven't had a lot of rain. It's happening to the grapes that were planted last spring, not those we just put in this spring. It has been really hot this past week. My grapes are Concords.

Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

I think mine is a table grape...Red Flame maybe? I bought it from a pretty reputable local nursery so I'm hoping that it will do well in my zone. I haven't been home in the last 10 days so I don't really know if mine is doing better or worse. I did feed it some "fruits and berries" fertilizer before I left and the neighbor's kids was instructed to water regularly so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I haven't done anything to mine yet and now they are just starting to ripen. Maybe I'll have time to read up on them one of these days.

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