Can you ID this ugly thing?

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

I bet they would make great fish bait! But I hate to tell you, I don't bait my own hook! LOL. Liked fishing w/ my dad the best, we always used lures- my husband prefers live bait so we don't do that together.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey I just had a thought. Wonder if those European Starlings eat them?

Phoenix, MD(Zone 7a)


If they did then I am all for them hanging out here anytime! :--)

Aprilbaby! You crack me up. Feed those worms to your tall pitcher plants. Just drop a few tender morsels down the tubes- slurp slurp!

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Would I have to remove the nasty little bag?

Not if they're really small. Just plop that juicy morsel down the tube. Yum yum. What a way for mommy to tell her plants she loves them!

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

You are one sick puppy! but I love you.

Phoenix, MD(Zone 7a)


Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Well you can fool me once but you can't fool me twice! I know a walking pine cone when I see one hanging off my bald cypress!

Thumbnail by aprilwillis
Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

And here it is on the ground, after being sprayed w/ detergent (Ivory dish) and water, next to my little digger w/ the inch markings, maybe hard to tell but it was 2 inches +/- from top to bottom. Forgot how easily my daughter killed some last year, tiny they were, w/ detergent/water solution. This sucker was deader than a door nail when I took the photo on the ground!

Thumbnail by aprilwillis
The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Stomp on it, April. They don't kill so easily with soap and water when they're that big.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Well I am not a stomper, I am a plastic bag putter inner.

Union City, CA(Zone 9b)

When in dought , put in a jar , take to nursery - if they can't ID - they will have farm extension agent look at it . I try to find at least 2 and take to different nurseries .
The bad thing is about 15 years ago I had something on a grape plant , they came out cut down plant sprayed my yard and 2 houses on each side of me . They did give me a thomson seedless to replace plant , but killed every bug and a few birds .

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

WOW! that must have been some serious bug! I know CA is VERY careful w/ pest because of the importance to the ag industry to CA economy so can only assume that whatever it was possed a threat to more than your back yard. Nice of them to give you thomson seedless, they could have left you w/ nothing!

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Are you a bare hands picker offer? LOL

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

CJ you must be off your medication! I wouldn't touch one of those things w/ my bare hands if my life depended on it! LOL. Gotta tell you don't mind sticking my ungloved hands in wounds, surgical incisions, etc- though now that would be frowned on- but touch a bug! YIKES.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

I got past that when I had to pick off a kazillion of those things from some massive junipers (pfitzers) I used to have. It was a daily struggle, 'cause you always miss some... Certainly lowered my "yuck" threshold. Now I can even pick off hornworms. Still can't squish them in my hand though. And I have to yell out loud when I stomp a cockroach, because of the feel and crunchy sound they make....

How's your tummy?

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i think tony may have been referring to what they sprayed on his garden. that's what did the killing, not the bug. am i right, tony?

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

I took April to mean that it must have been a serious insect for California to come out and do all that spraying....and that yes, the spraying killed everything. I'm just wondering what the insect was for them to nuke the place!

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Yeah that's what I guessed, they id'd the pest came in and ripped out the plant, sprayed etc. CA has always been one of those states that is very protective of their ag industry, it's such a big part of the state's economy.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

CJ I am not sure that TonyJR necessarily recalls although I could be wrong. I do know that about 10 years ago they were making every effort to contain fruit flys and while I was on vacation out there was aware they were asking homeowners to be vigillent and call if any were spotted in their yard.

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