Show us your sedums! # 2

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

This is a continuation from the following.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Zen! Good thinking:)

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I'm a little late in visiting this thread and the previous one, but I'd like to let zenpotter know that the variegated sedum image looks like Sedum kamtschaticum: It's one of my favorites.

There are several sedums that do fine in my USDA Zone 3. Sedum spurium, Sedum kamtschaticum, Sedum acre, Sedum spectabile, and many more. Of course, they all need to tolerate some cool summer weather and lots of moisture.

Sedum are such wonderful plants for rockery, and the taller ones fill a spot in the garden with lovely foliage and the added bonus of blooms. They are also so easy to propagate from stem cuttings. I've also collected seed and started them indoors. Generally, sedum is a real winner and the cuttings are great trading material.

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

I've had this pic for a month and couldn't find a proper thread to post it on.
So here it is.
A big water drop on a leaf.
Looks refreshing on a hot Summer day.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Andy, that photo is amazing,
Weezingreens, glad to see you here, thanks for the id and photo.
I am waiting for my son to get home from a trip with my camera so I can take some photos of a new sedum.

(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Andy, that is a fantastic photo! Glad you found a thread to post it on so you could share it with us.
Gay Lynn

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

this is sedum album 'Murale'. It was a gift growing in a turtle topiary. I will probably put it in the rock garden in the fall and get something new for the turtle in the spring.

Andy, love the pic, glad you posted

Thumbnail by grampapa
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Cool pic Andy! Glad you found this thread :)

grandpa, yours looks similar to one I have, but I can't tell about the size. About what size are the leaves on yours?

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

gemini, about 1/2"..the tag says it's aka 'Fat Fingers'.

here's the sedum mediovariegatum that I got from Wayside on their 'buy 2-get 3 free' sale. it was supposed to be 3" pots, came as tiny little bareroot chunks so I put them in a pot to get some roots developed before I put them in the ground. all 5 are coming along ok. I guess I should know better. they take one plant, cut it into little pieces, and tell you it's 3 free ones.


Thumbnail by grampapa
Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Maybe next time you can send them $1 and cut it into 3 pieces and say it is $3.Here is Hen and chicks 'Silverine'.

Thumbnail by zenpotter
Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

This is 'Euphgrbia Myrsinites'- Amusing blue-gray donkey tails.

The Amusing was on the tag I swear.

This message was edited Jul 17, 2006 1:51 PM

Thumbnail by zenpotter
Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

good one, zenpotter! I love it. Wish I had the nerve. If I'm smart there won't be a next time (hmph!). the bloom on 'Silverine' is great. I'm just getting into sempervivums. only have 2, but I wish I had more...they are neat.


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks gram, 'Fat Fingers' will be easy to remember, lol. Good grief! I would hate to have paid full price for those from Wayside. That's the good thing about sedums though, tough enough that you can nurse them along easily.

Zen, I love the Euphgrbia. Is it winter hardy for you?

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Here is my hens and chicks

Thumbnail by Starzz
Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

starzz, which hen and chicks is that?

gemini, well it is reported to be winter hardy here, guess I have to wait and see. Believe it or not is part of a cactus garden I have put in just recently all of which are hardy to zone 4 (I hope).

I can't get a very good angle, but here is one photo.

This message was edited Jul 17, 2006 6:46 PM

Thumbnail by zenpotter
Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Here is Hens 'n Chicks 'Ruby Heart', new this year. First plant in what is going to be my rock garden :-)

Thumbnail by grampapa
Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

grampapa, I love it, I need to look for it.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Zen, it changes color in the summer. I guess it's normal, from what I've read

Thumbnail by grampapa
Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

I have a terrible time getting hen and chicks to make it through the winter. Do you or anyone else have any tricks?

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Zenpotter..sorry I don't have the tag anymore...but if I remember it only said Hens and Chciks on the tag..but it bloomed like your Silverine..

One I really like is Sedum Matrona..this is a pic from last year.

Thumbnail by Starzz
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Speaking of a Cactus Garden..can I show you my Yucca?
I have a few sedums in this area..but I also planted vinca there and it is over running most of the sedums..but just look at this Yucca in bloom.

Thumbnail by Starzz
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

This is another sedum with yellow blooms..I think it might be the "donkey tails" one.

Thumbnail by Starzz
Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Starzz, The sedum Matrona is very nice. So is the Yucca I started one by seed this year it is about 3" tall. I may decide to go out and buy one rather than wait for it to get larger.

Looking back at my cactus garden, I have work to do on it. It is too jumbled up to really see. I think I need to bring in some sand. I can just hear it now someone will buy our house and say "What fool added sand to the soil?"

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

This may be the yellow sedum, it is the one I have that looks like your last pic.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

It is amazing how many sedum that there are. I NEED one of each kind.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Starzz, the yucca is really pretty. I like the Matrona, too. I agree with of each sedum, please. they are all so different. when I started looking at the sempervivum I felt the same way. how do you choose one? It's not too bad at the nursery where they only have a few, but if you go to one of the specialty web sites, WOW!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Yes! Yuccas, Sempervirens, and any hardy succulent plant is great to see here. I think of them for companions for many sedums. Here is Yucca 'Color Guard' with dragon's blood sedum. I got the yuccas for $1 each on clearance last year!

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

'Color Guard' up close:

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

This is a little agave I picked up in April and now can't find the tag for. It's supposed to be hardy to zone 4.

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm very pleased to see it's having babies!

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

It must be happy then. I had no idea any were hardy to z4, but I guess desert means dry, not hot. That's a neat little plant.

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the link I can put a name tag on it.

Gemini..that is a very pretty Yucca...and I love the look of your Agave.

Granpapa,..I'm happy you liked my Matrona. I saw it in a garden once..and thought the wine coloured stems were interesting so I had to have one. The Yucca is just blowing me away this season..I ahve to look up at is so tall.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I bought 2 hens'n'chicks in May when I got the 'Ruby Heart' and never got around to plant the second one. Finally got around to it this morning. Here's 'Icicle'. It's very green now, but had a lot of red in it when I bought it. It's one of the spider web varieties. You can see that all the poor little chicks were trying to escape that little nursery pot.

Thumbnail by grampapa
Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Where is your favorite place to order sedums from?

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Here is Sedum Purple Emperor with Stachys grandiflora (Big Betony) and a pink lily.


Thumbnail by sanannie
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Here's some Striped Sedum (Sedum alboroseum 'Medio-variegatum' ) with Hosta Sum and Substance behind; Palace Purple Heuchera and a white form of Sedum spurium down in front.


Thumbnail by sanannie
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Here's some Sedum album 'Murale' surrounding a set of steps in the rock garden. Unfortunately, it's already finished flowering. I think this is the first time I've ever even taken a picture of it. This thread got me thinking about Sedums and what great plants they are!


Thumbnail by sanannie
Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Sandy, that first pic is absolutely beautiful, wonderful composition. (love the little birdhouse). sedums are so versatile. look at all you have done with it here. I like the Murale around the steps. I posted a pic of one I have in a planter earlier.


Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Sedum really are wonderful.

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Here is a pic off a sedum my son is propagating:) I am not sure which one it is.

Thumbnail by annette68

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