newspapers under mulch...

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Night crawlers are not know for "staying put" in a bin. They are so active they tend to seek out areas to burrow, mate, etc, rather than seek out food. Course now, if you have the best food to their liking and a top on your bin you could give it a try, Dean!


Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks,Shoe, I'm keeping them in a bucket for now. Perhaps, I'll introduce some to my pile.

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

The red wigglers would be the best, for vermiposting. But for the compost I think they would wander off. I don't know this. But I do know the night crawlers will multiply if they like the compost pile. they will do the job.
That is one reason I get by with just tilling everything under in the fall. They were working for a while last fall but when the ground started to freeze they went on down further. But about the first good thunder storm, they will be back and hard at work. I don't know if the two will get along together or not. The regular earth worms, and the crawlers seem to get along so I don't know why not.

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

I've decided to introduce the nightcrawlers to the garden and keep the red wigglers in a bin.

(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

I recently put newspapers down and nice compost on top in the front yard raised garden. Sadly, some roaming dog or cat thought it was interesting and started digging it up. Soggy newspaper sticking up all over the place. Oh well. Might as well laugh and start over again.

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Sadly, it is hard to keep dogs & cats out of the garden. It is nearly as disgusting when cats think your newly washed car is for them to put there dirty tracks all over. For that little time they let you pet them it seems they want you to pay for. LOL
I had to resort to some nasty smelling stuff to train the neighbors dogs that my flower bed was not their pooping grounds.
His dogs still don't like me, and I don't care. Now for the cats on the car hood"""If I figure that out, I think I could make some money, Ha Ha Ha
Oh well that don't have much to do with gardening.
Good luck on redoing it and keeping them out.

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

randbponder, I had a lady walking her dog in my neighborhood. When it got to my house it pooed I asked her if she was going to clen it up. She acted mad and said yes, then came out a plastic bag. I also use to have a neighbor that would let their dogs run loose in the front yard. They would poo on my side only. LOL!!! I would get the shovel and throw it back on their side. I would also use a pet dettterent spray.

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Ha ha ha
After several years of doing just that. I finally put up a 6 foot privacy fence. The neighbor didn't like it. But I simply said how many times did I ask you to tie your dogs when you let them out to poop.????
They went to the county zoning board and found out I had a legal right to put up what ever fence I wanted.
I really don't like the fence either but it serves the purpose. LOL

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Hey, you warned em, what goobers! We occasionally have had a problem with stray cats. However, my youngest DS bought me one of his spare paint ball guns. Now a black kitty painted "hot pink" will get your attention. Doesn't hurt the cat since the paint is not toxic, but it certainly is eye catching. LOL Those neighbors have since moved, major sigh of relief by most of us. It's just a shame, but it happens, you deal with it the best way you can. I find it amusing they though you couldn't put up a fence on your own property. Goobers!

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Paint ball ! ! ! Good thought~~~~~~~~~~~~But that could up set the animal rights huggers. Naaaaa the fence has worked for 5 years now. Hasn't helped the disposition of the neighbor yet, SOOOOO will leave it up a while longer, Heh heh heh.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Ah, you my kinda person.....yes indeedy. I too have one of those neighbors, you just "treasure?" What a pain in the tushie and I do my best to make sure I return the favor..........LOL Not a nice personality trait, but oh well.

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Yup some neighbors just keep you smiling all the time. :>)

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Yes, indeedy, payback is a bugger! evil grin

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)


Central, VA(Zone 7b)

I had a neighbor who had just moved in. I was trying to be polite and welcome her to the neighborhood. I asked her if she gardened. She replied, Ohhh Noooo, we don't gahhhhdennnn. That pretty much ripped it. Afer that, I just waved.

Porterville, CA

This is only the second time I have posted on DG, but I want to thank all you people for all your valuable information about the earthworms and using newspaper in the garden. I am just starting to garden now that I am retired and it sure is going to help me solve some of my problems. In return, I would llike to tell you how I managed to get rid of my dog and cat problem. Last year I ordered two electronic cat repellent devices and I haven't had any cats or dogs in either the front or back yard. All you have to do is put the words " animal repellant" in google and you will be able to look at several sites that sell these devices. I ordered the cheapest I could find and was surprised that it worked so well. I think it was about $35. I do have to check them at least once a week to make sure the battery is still good, but they do have some that run on 110 ac, of course, it costs a little more. Thanks again, Don

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

I will check that out. I have a little over an acre but the south side and the back are fenced and most of the North side. I have around 275' without a fence. I'm assuming I would only need a few in that area with no fence. No more DOO DOO, would be great.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Don, do they keep rabbits out as well, or just cats and dogs?


Porterville, CA

Gwen, There are different settings for several types of animals. I have looked at a lot of sites and have found only one with the motion sensor and the ability of plugging into 110ac . I hope Russ found the site. I am new to this and don't know if I am permitted to state the website. Don

Porterville, CA

Gwen, I just went to the website and it does repel rabbits. It is called the ultra protect animal repellent.

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Don; Yes I found several models; I'm going to wait a while as I have gone over my budget on yard and garden things. I think I would need 3 units to do any good. I have too much open space, according to the information given. Maybe a little later. I so much want to be able to go to the IA DG RU. It is a trip that will mean staying over at least one night. Of course if I could get Warren Buffet to adopt me, I probably wouldn't have to be concerned as much LOL

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)


How could you be over your budget already? It's only March!

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Surely you jest !
March. Second half property tax due
Payoff seed catalog orders
I'll have a nice reward though. all the nice fresh veggies, that are not contaminated with E coli. Then too some of the order was fruit trees. Not an instant gratification, but in a few years Yumm Yumm.
Besides you have to be a bit of a tightwad; on a fixed income.
But I'm enjoying it.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I might actually get to start a new Forum! "Gardening Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts!" But, you know Dave and the admins watch the thread to see how much interest there is before they'll launch a new site. So, I'm asking your support to 1) vote for the new forum and 2) spread the word in the forums you visit regularly and encourage others to vote, too!

Here's the link to the original thread: []

Thanks a bunch, guys!


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