Will the Gold Star Esperanza root from cuttings?

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Has anyone had success or even tried to get cuttings rooted from this plant? Just curious because I had some trimmings from one yesterday and thought I'd give it a try. I dipped the ends in a rooting hormone and placed them (along with some other cuttings) in a hooded tray. I'm wondering how long to expect them to take before they sprout roots?

Here's the PF Detail page for this plant.
Yellow Elder, Trumpetbush, Ginger-Thomas, Gold Star Esperanza 'Gold Star'
Tecoma stans



Thumbnail by GD_Rankin
Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

GD I have successfully rooted TS Tangerine- very easy, can't be any different, can it?

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

GD I just started some of the tecoma stans about 10 days ago, and I looked at them today and they look good, so I am assuming they will root soon, but not sure exactly how long. I will check them in a few days and let you know.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

hmmmm . . . well ya got me there April . . . I'm not familiar with the "TS Tangerine" . . . about how long did they take to root? Most of the cuttings I've taken take about a week or so . . . but I was reading that the harder wood plants take a good deal longer. Like the Bougainvillea I'm also attempting, according to the info I read, they take about 3 - 4 weeks with a softwood cutting.

btw - I took the softwood parts from the Esperanza for rooting. A few of the trimmed branches were a bit wilted before I even considered trying to root them, so I got them in water asap and then selected the better looking ones and only took the soft tips from the ends of the branches.

Here's how they look today . . . mixed in with a few other cuttings.

Thumbnail by GD_Rankin
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

ahh ok TigerLily . . . thanks that'd be sweet :)

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

lol well we did them about the same time, and yours looks like mine-over the wilting phase. I tried some bougainvillea a month or so ago and it didn't take, I think it was semi-hard. Are you doing the softest part of the stem-like near the tip? I am going to have the mister system up and going in another week and I think I will try some then-are your bougainvillea cuttings looking good? If so, then I'll try the near tips. It says the hardwood, but they do take longer.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Well I just took all these cuttings yesterday evening, so at this point everything is still looking pretty good. The Bougainvillea was more of an accidental break - rather than an intentional / selected cutting. As of now, it still looks nice and healthy, but it hasn't even been 24 hours yet.

It was still in bloom and the info I read said to take them 'after' the flowers are done. So . . . we shall see. The end of a branch broke off about 10" from the end, so I snipped the bottom few inches off and then cut all but a couple of leaves off. Then I scrapped the bark on the lower end that I dipped in root hormone and stuck it in a 3" pot and misted it real good then put the whole thing in a gallon size zip lock baggie. So to answer your question re: softest part . . . not exactly . . . it was a bit 'woody' down there, but I wanted to have a larger plant to work with - if in fact it does take root.

I'll keep ya posted on that one as well as the others :)

When my regular Bougainvilleas finish blooming, I intend to try some of the softer greener tips, and hope they'll work for me.

Thumbnail by GD_Rankin
Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

TS tangerine is tecoma stans tangerine; I took soft cuttings and it seems to me that they did look bad for a few days but I have had about 90% success- I think my failures were due to taking some from older wood and/or not watering w/ consistancy- sometimes I am forgetful, aka lazy. I took larger cuttings than what you seem to have taken and they really did well- mine are maybe 3 months old and all have bloomed at least once. I didn't baby them because it was a little cooler when I took them. I kept them outside but in the shade for the 1st week or so and then treated them like I do everything else in pots.

Hope that helps.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok good deal . . . and thanks for the feedback :)

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

lol I didn't read your post carefully enough GD, thought you said that you had taken your cuttings a week ago! No wonder they look so good! Well, they may go thru a wilting phase and then become more turgid. Thats one of the things I look for to see if the cutting is going to take, and mine have, so yours probably will too.

In that picture of the bougainvillea that you showed us, is that your cutting? If it is, I would take off the leaves at the top-the red ones, it slows the cutting down. Just keep the green ones on the stem.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

lol no problem . . . the majority of the cuttings in the tray are still looking good this AM . . . No signs of wilting yet :) I've been keeping them misted and under the hood with a light on them 24 hours. They seem to be fine to this point. Also, just a side note . . . I'm using some fresh rain water I caught for them and I mixed in a few drops of Super Thrive for the bottom of the tray.

Ahh ok . . . I was wondering about those leaves (the red ones) but wasn't sure if I should remove them or not. So take just the leaves off or snip the stem where they start - removing the top portion of the cutting - anything above the green?

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey GD, was just going to tell you that the tecoma has rooted, and I transplanted the two that had to 3.5" pots so I can start to let the soil dry out some. These were the tips that rooted this fast, the stem cutting isn't doing anything so far.
I would cut the red leaves off right above the small green ones-thats what I would do. I have rooted tons of plants, but not bougainvillea, so take my advice with maybe a grain of salt. I am thinking that the red foliage is not contributing to the plant like the green foliage does and so it becomes a burden to the plant, unlike the green leaves..if I am right. Almost in the vein of that you would not try to root cuttings with blooms on them. ( am covering my butt here because I feel a bit guilty if I told you wrong about cutting off the leaves of the phoenix that you just transplanted...but I think I was right there lol ....I hope. That palm had a lot of leaves to try to maintain while it was going thru the shock of transplanting-if you only took 1/3 off-that left plenty of leaves for nutrition)

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Good deal TigerLily :) So that was what? About 10-12 days for the tips to take root?

That makes sense to me about the red leaves on the bougainvillea, I just wasn't too sure about those. Since this is my first experience at getting cuttings from a plant of this nature, where the leaves are almost like a bloom, I wasn't sure if the leaves actually do any light absorption at that stage or not. (most likely not huh?)

Oh and btw - the Pygmy Palm is on day 5 now and is still looking like it never missed a beat. None of the remaining follage is showing any signs of yellowing at this stage, but I'll keep ya posted on that too.

Thanks again for all the info :)

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