Rainer cherries any reason not to freeze or jam them?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Dad went down to the store this morning and lucked into some Rainier cherries at $1.19 per pound.... the supplier sent them in error instead of Bings, but they're selling them at the Bing sale price. :-)

We're going out to get more! I'd like to freeze some of this bounty and/or make jam, but since I've only ever eaten them fresh, I wondered if there was any difference dealing with Rainiers. (I'm thinking of the way some apples are great for fresh eating but no good for cooking.)

Has anyone frozen Rainier cherries?


Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Yummy!! I wish I could get that deal on them; we'd eat tons, then try to freeze and jam them! They should freeze quite well! Did you try it? ~ Suzi :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've got several pounds in the freezer, but I think we ended up eating most of them fresh, with a little help, LOL.

I also posted this on the canning/freezing forum, and it sounds like they will freeze just fine, but I got a suggestion to either freeze immediately after pitting or add a little ascorbic acid, lemon juice, etc. to prevent discoloration.

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

If I saw good-looking Raniers in the store at that price, I'd have about lbs, just because! It is Anna's favorite and I love them too! We had a Queen Anne cherry tree when I was young; wish I had a dwarf one of those too!

I have a Ranier tree, but it is one at the back near corner and the deer keep desecrating it. It is finally growing. Only thing I found to stop the darn deer was to put tomato cages around them and rub all over them every couple days.

Still plan to take up and put into huge pots, like I did the others... after my back behaves! It is sooo ready to give out. Had heat thingie on it this afternoon. I think after it is in pot, I can move it away from that corner and it will have a chance to thrive instead of being lucky to survive!

Later, Suzi :)

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