digging up lilies

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

This spring I thought I had a brilliant idea for masses of color in a separate bed. My idea kind of flopped. One side I planted snaps, both small and skyrocket, in the middle I planted all lilies (mixed types), and on the outside of the other side I planted zinnias. The snaps and the zinnias look great. Some of the lilies have bloomed and some have not. I would like to re-do this spot and re-locate all of the lillies to another spot in another bed. My question is: Can I dig the lililes up now with some that have bloomed and some that have not, or do I have to wait until fall to do this? I live in zone 6. Any advice would be appreciated. THIS IS A NEW THREAD.

This message was edited Jul 2, 2006 8:59 AM

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

You should wait until fall.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

I tend to move blubs when I see the right place for them. You can move one or two bulbs aslong as you take a huge amount of soil with them. In that case they won't even know they have been moved. I particularly do this with Martagons, beause I want to be sure I'm moving the right ones. Big clumps, (more than 1 or 2 bulbs, I do leave till the fall.
inanda - who knows you are supposed to move only in the fall.

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Ya know Mar110, you might want to build the garden around the lily bed instead of moving them. If you planted the lilies this spring they won't come into their true glory until next year. If it were me, I'd just kind of hold off till next year and see what my lily bed looks like then. The Snapdragons and Zinnias are annuals and so will take off and look fantastic the first year, the lilies are perennial and so Will need a year to settle in before putting on their best show. Good luck! :)


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Good thinking Diann. I've also seen that the first year for lilies is no indication of what they'll be next year. My Asiatics typically double or more in height the 2nd year, with many more blooms. Sometimes suppliers of bulbs have held them in less than perfect conditions, making them look unhealthy the first year. Since your annuals are doing so well, I think you may be pleasantly surprised next year.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Thats a good idea/ I tend to look at the question and address that, without looking ahead (in this case to next year). Sounds like your bed is very colourful, even without the lily bloom.

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the input everyone. Although, I think I might have also planted the bulbs too close together. Do I move the ones that are too close together in the fall?

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Mar110, really, just let them settle in and see what happens next year. I never plant things like I'm supposed to and it seems to work out ok.. :)


Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Yes, if you want to. Lilies will tell you when they need more space; generally by not performing as well. I'm guessing that you will be able to get by 2 or 3 years without digging them back up.

The reason I tell people not to dig bulbs until fall is because (1) lilies have a habit of moving on you. They are not always where you remember planting them and (2), if you are not extremely careful, you can break the stalk and the bulb needs that stalk to regenerate for next year.

When you dig them in the fall, use a garden fork instead of a shovel and dig deeply. If you are going to move them before fall, use a shovel, dig very deep and take as much soil as you can with the bulb.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Talking about moving blubs. Went over to my shade garden this AM to water and take photos of the marties. Gone, all stems gone, except ones with seed pods or at least flowers finished.

So, Am going back with bags and the wheelbarrow and going to dig them all up. At least I'll leave the paisley hybrids that are actually in with other perennials. The ones I'm digging up and bringing back here are in a patch. I am so MAD> Marmalade was just about to bloom forthe first time. Grr....c I'll hide them in the university housing shade. Nobody will find them there.


Joys of gardening in inner city.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Someone STOLE your marts inanda? That is really low. When that sort of thing happens around here (flowers, bikes, garden art etc getting swiped) a letter is written to the editor of the newspaper, supposedly to make the culprit feel guilty, not that it does any good. But it does alert everyone to the shenanigans going on.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Well, at least I still have the blubs. Maddening thing was .... I wanted the seeds. Grrr. So blubs are now in baggies in garage as need wheelbarrow to make a bed for them. Too hot right now to shovel 4 way mix. Will do that tomorrow AM Early - when it is cool.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Aww.....I'm so sorry inanda. That's just rotten.

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Inanda, I'm sorry this happened to you. Ya know, if they only would have asked you'd probably have given them some, but no, they had to be greedy. I'm so sorry...


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

No no no, Martagons do not get shared - except with nearest and dearest. Scales yes, blubs NO.

Next year... Isn't that what we all say.

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