Tecoma Stans 'orange jubilee'

McAlpin, FL

Does anyome know if these come true from seed?
AND..how fresh is too fresh when concerning seed? I have some Mexican Sunflowers setting seed right now that I'd like to use to increase my beds, but they're very fresh. Should I let them dry for a few days first?

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

My daughter tells me that the TS orange jubilee do not come true from seed- they are super easy to grow from cuttings if that helps.

McAlpin, FL

It might! Anyone have extra cuttings? lol
I ordered 2, but they won't arrive for 4 more weeks. I'm afraid they may not make enough growth for me to get cuttings before our first frost.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Let me know if you need some cuttings and i can probably arrange it.

McAlpin, FL

aprilwillis, I would love some orange tecoma stans cuttings.........what are you looking for in exchange?

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

hhmmm Bren, what have you got to offer? I am pretty wide open, can't say that I am looking for anything in particular but am always open to suggestions.

McAlpin, FL

I have a few (3 maybe?) Tithonia Diversifolia cuttings rooted and getting leggy in their 4" pots...Or I have Justicia (pink) rooted and potted....
OR!!! How about some fresh (unrooted) cuttings of Lady Margaret Passiflora or Vigna Caracalla??
Anything in there that interests you?

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh my do you really mean Vigna Caracalla?


if you have that and are not getting it confused w/ Snail Vine, as many, many do, we have a deal!!!
Right now I have about 4 and have promised 2. I can easily cut and root more if you need more than 2, just let me know!


McAlpin, FL

April...that is indeed the one I have. Beautiful purple corkscrews!
I know I can get a few cuttings, but if you'd like one that's rooted and growing I can try to get one for you. Think it would make the trip?
Maybe a combination of both?
I'll see how many cuttings I can do and let you know.


Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh sounds good to me!
Checked what I have and I do have 2 well rooted smallish cuttings- will make the shipping minimal and will grow quickly once you get them. do you want both? do you need more? Just let me know.

McAlpin, FL

April, I just went and cut 12-15 cuttings of my Vigna Caracalla. (it doesn't show at all!!)
Any number up to this would be fine. I do still have the rooted one growing if you'd prefer. I could ship it with some dirt if you'd like.
Either is fine with me.
Just let me know. I figure I'll ship Monday to prevent a long stay in the PO.
The cuttings are kind of long so I'll send in a priority box.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Sending you dmail.

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