Aphids! Good product to use?

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7a)

Aphids are really going after my Orientals, and I'm hoping someone can suggest a good product that doesn't require frequent application. I have been using Safer spray, which is a soap solution, but find that I have to apply it almost every day. When I spray it, the aphids that are on the plant are killed, but next day more are back. Is there a product that has a more lasting effect?


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Would it help to spray a wider area around the lilies? Do you see aphids elsewhere in the garden?

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7a)

I guess I hadn't really thought of that. The only other plants in with the lilies are ferns, two camellia bushes, and a clematis (which they decimated). We had a week of more or less solid rain, so I gave up spraying during that time (if we had a break for part of the day, it would turn around and rain that afternoon and night). That seems to be when they got out of hand. I have limited space to plant lilies because there are just so many deer in my neighborhood, so they get most of the space in the deer-proof bed I have. I've avoided most insecticides because I've heard so many folks talking about the effect on the honeybee population. That's why I have been using the Safer spray. It's just that I'm going through it like nobody's business, and it's getting to be more expensive than buying lily bulbs! Also, I've got some beautiful buds growing and I don't want to lose them...

This message was edited Jul 1, 2006 5:06 PM

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I certainly understand about not wanting to affect the beneficial insects. Fortunate that I usually don't have too much of a problem but when I do, I use Orthenex. It is a systemic poison that is taken up into the plant and kills all sucking/chewing insects.

Please understand that I'm not necessarily recommending it, but it's an option.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

When you have a bad infestation, you need to use something stronger than the soap spray. I use Basic Solutions by Ortho and when i do haul this out, I do my entire garden. I try not to use these products until late evening in an attempt not to kill off the goods insects. I'm sure that I'm not entirely successful, but I've never noticed a decline in the beneficial insect population.

I have a friend that uses Bonide every two weeks and he doesn't have half the problems I do with insects. I'm planning to use Bonide next year. I'm also going to start using Messenger which will help boost plants natural immunity to pests and disease.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7a)

I'm heading out to get one of these products today. I have so many Orientals that should have buds opening in the next week or two, and the aphids have damaged some of them. Last night I must have hit 10,000 aphids with the Safer, and this morning I go inspect only to find *more*!

On a side note, I have been using Messenger this year, although probably not as often as truly needed. I used it last year on my gardenia bushes, and they were especially hearty and bloomed to beat the band.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I had a bad infestation last year so you have my sympathy - I found that washing the leaves with a hard stream of water from the hose helped. Somebody told me that they become prey once they are on the ground. Follow with safer soap. It worked pretty well but was really time consuming - and wet - to get all the individual leaves.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7a)

I ended up pulling out my Neem oil, and after one thorough spraying (making sure to spray every inch of the plant, especially the underside of the leaves), I have noticed dramatic improvement. I did a re-spray yeterday, and of course we had a good thunderstorm in the middle of the night, so I'll hit it again late this afternoon.

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