Can We Post Adeniums Here Too? They are related to plumies.

(Zone 11)

Wow, I didn't know there were so many kinds....

Heres a pic of the only one that I have, but now I will have to keep an eye out for some more...

Thumbnail by Dave67
Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Wow, it sounds like your mom has a pretty cool set up. That's great of you to take care of her like that. Thanks for the info. on the adenium care. I moved my rack -- they are all on an iron rack with shelves -- more into filtered sun, and I think filtered sun is the best that I can do for them unless I put them back on my wagon and cart them around into full sun like I did last summer! LOL! They are in five-inch pots, and I've only had a couple get belly rot this year. I can't help thinking that they would be happier in full blazing hot sun, especially with the way that I overwater. I just noticed some buds on some today so that is good. I'll be sure to post when they bloom.

Great pictures, Kim and Dave!

Scoolie, here's a link:

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

Ive read that the time to 'feed' is when they wake up in the spring.
If you feed use 20-20-20 NOT Bloom Booster!
If you root prune then be sure to wait untill they heal first or youll burn the S*%T out of them
They dont seem to require a great deal of food if you give them some humus in the soil mix.
They do however require regular watering during times of growth and heat.
It is important to water them BEFORE they wilt.

Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

Michael, with our regular, short afternoon summer rains, I guess I never think to really water them! LOL

Also, watch out using SNG mixed with Bills--they do NOT like this one bit. Black Pine and several others dropped all their leaves on me is how I learned! LOL Arrogant will get brown and yellow spots and drop leaves if you use that on her Michael---well, at least here in this climate she does. And nope, i did not do it during the hot part of the day. I find they tolerate a light misting of SNG only--skip the Bill's fertilizer and the Coco-Wet as they don't like stuff sticking to their leaves.

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

Good advice man, thanks. ;^)

Mt Zion, IL(Zone 5b)

HOLY GUACAMOLY, NewcastleBrad !!!!!! I had nooooo idea adeniums came in so many different varieties!!!! WOW~! ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!
And thanks, too, for your pictures, Clare! Beautiful!!
I have three from Wally World, one from Home Depot, and one I got off eBay. As I type this, I'm waiting for one to'll be any day now. *my first*! guys have given me inspiration (and possibly a new addiction! ha ha)

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Thanks Michael and Brad for this advice. Mine get so dry and get lower yellow leaves, but they hold so much water in their stems that I shouldn't water them as much as I do. I'm going to try ignoring them more and see if that helps! Sometimes, that is better than attention!

Thanks, Betsy! Be sure to post your flower when it blooms for us to see;-)

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

I just tried to germinate 60 seeds of A.Aribicum from Padsnow
Only 9 germinated!!
I am aghast!!
Ill be writing to hm 4-sure.
I ordered more as they were on sale 30 for $10.-
Normally $20.- for 25
good deal.
Im hoping this second batch has better success rates.

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Michael, I think that is Phil from Cornell University. That is where I got my seedlings from. He is a very nice man. That is an excellent price. I think I paid $10 for 15 plus shipping if I remember correctly.

Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

I have bought from, and, sold to Phil. He is a good guy to deal with. The Ma Na Rom adenium above--the blue-purple and red one, I got from him.


Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

I have a desert rose I got from Top Tropicals last year and its blooming now. Its so cute. I love it. Then I was in HD the other day and they had them for $9.99. You just never can tell what you'll find. They also had plumerias. I got 2 desert roses but their no name plumerias didn't look that healthy so I passed on them. My plumerias I got at the airport in Hawaii last year is going to bloom. I am so excited. Now if I could just find a Ma Na Rom adenium, it is stunning.

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Hi Linda! Congrats on a great find at HD. You are right that you never know what you will find there sometimes. I have found some great treasures there in the past. Please post your plumeria bloom, if you can, when it opens. We would love to see it. We never get tired of plumeria blooms here. I am excited for you! You might check with Brad's Buds and Blooms to see if he can order a Ma Na Rom adenium for you. You can send him an email at: It is a gorgeous adenium for sure.

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

I didnt mean to imply he wasnt a decent vendor.
I was simply expressing dissapointment at the germination rate.
I have no doubt hell cover the sale just fine.
I have found him to be responsive and courteous.
Ill buy from him again and again.
In fact even though the first 2 batches were bad I bought a third on sale at 30 for $10.-
I expect to see better germination from these they even looked stouter.
No bad press on Phil here,
I should have clarified. ;^)
Malestrom suffers from foot in mouth every now and then.
I reccomend Phil very highly. ;^)

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

LOL, Michael. You are just fine and don't have foot-in-mouth syndrome -- not like I do anyway;-)

Crestview, FL(Zone 7b)

Very nice. I have been growing some unknown crosses from seeds obtained in Thailand. Only one has bloomed so far, nothing spectacular..but I still love them. My favorite is my variegated one but it developed rot this spring and when I went to cut off the infected limb noticed little worms in the rotted stem... weird.

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Trish, did you have to toss it, or did you take a cutting off the top? I've had a few seedlings rot on me too, but I was able to cut off and root the tops thankfully. So sorry about the variegated one getting rot.

Crestview, FL(Zone 7b)

Clare.. not completely.. look below

Thumbnail by MzMunchken
Redford, MI(Zone 6a)

I just picked up two of these yesterday. I was in Meijers (a discount type store) and they caught my eye. Every so often they have something unusual and yesterday it was some adenium. Now I have to learn about them so I will be hanging around here to find out.

Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

That caudex is exceptional!!

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Trish, it still looks marvelous even if it is now divorced! LOL! I'm glad you didn't lose it. That would have been a terrible shame to have lost that precious one. Brad is right that the caudex is phenomenal.

Crestview, FL(Zone 7b)

Thank you!

The caudex WAS exceptional/phenomenal. Wondering if I can graft a new "wife" onto the place where the other one was.

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

I would think so if you use a "V" graft.

Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

Here's how to graft adeniums! :-) Hope everyone finds this helpful. I can tell you this--they are sooooo much easier than plumeria to graft!

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

That is so cool! Thanks, Brad!

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Brad, I just noticed something. I have branches below the graft union on Harry Potter and Noble Concubine. Do you get theses, and if so, do you cut them off? I would imagine that, if I left them, I could have two different blooms on the same plant, yes?

Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)


Think of it like a citrus tree---all of which are grafted. If you let the sour orange rootstock grow out from below the sweet orange graft, you will have a branch of the rootstock producing sour oranges next to branches with sweet oranges.

If this type of situation is desirable with your adenium because you discover you like the flowers of the original plant, then you can let it be, but I would definitely control its growth as it will likely be more prolific than the scion portion and might really compete with it, more so than another grafted scion would do.


Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Thanks, Brad! You are so wise, Master. Grasshopper go to trim rootstock now:-) LOL!

Mt Zion, IL(Zone 5b)

Okay, I know mine will pale in comparison but....I have my first blooms!
Two different plants but they look to be the same variety to me...


Thumbnail by BetsyJ
Mt Zion, IL(Zone 5b)

#2 is my "older" plant - - got it last year (the other one I got this year) but this is the first time it's bloomed.

Thumbnail by BetsyJ
Mt Zion, IL(Zone 5b)

..a little closer inspection...

I have one more that looks wonderfully healthy but no sign of blooms yet. Interesting observation, tho - it's leaves are much bigger and fatter than my other two. Got it from a different source so I'm hoping maybe it's of a different variety?

Either way, after viewing this thread, I had NO IDEA they came in such a wide assortment of colors and I fear I'm feeling the twitch of *yet* another addiction in the making! =0)


Thumbnail by BetsyJ
Portland, TX(Zone 9a)


I took cuttings on desert rose, rooting hormone etc. per your instructions. Now I'm wondering about how long before I'll get an idea whether or not they are going to make?? Any idea?

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Betsy, nice pics!

Patti, they should root fairly quickly in this heat. Put them on a hot source and mist daily. You will know that they are taking when you see leaves coming in. (The old leaves should have been removed upon cutting.) You will know that they are rotting if you see them wrinkle and shrivel. I don't know how long it takes for an adenium cutting to root. Maybe Brad knows. I think it takes a while -- perhaps 60-90 days like a plumeria.

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

The first one has a longer and narrower body to the flower.
They are alike but defenitly not the same.
I name mine according to the caudex shape.
I named your variegated, 'Hand in Pants' LOL!! 8^D
Heres a graft of Arrogant that took well on a seedling I Named 'Glad to See Ya!'
Youd get the name if the shot was of his side, ya 'his' lol!
The scragly brown stick is another attempted graft that looks rather poorly at the moment

This message was edited Jul 9, 2006 11:17 PM

Thumbnail by Malestrom
Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

Heres a graft of 'Rootbeer' that is slooow going.
She isnt soft and has attached so im hoping big time on this one!!

Thumbnail by Malestrom
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

They are like plumeria--sort of slow, but not like 3 or more months usually. More like a faster rooting plumeria cutting. I find usually a month will do--maybe an extra week.

Davie, FL(Zone 10b)

Brad when i was thailand i seen a old man transplanting a desert rose and when he put her in a bigger pot he left her out of the soil about 1 inch higher..I ask him why he did this and he said ahhh this is thai secret.. He told me by doing this each time you transplant, her trunk will get bigger and bigger..
Is this true and have you heard of this method before?

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

It is true,
Ive read a lot about adeniums and this is a must to develop the caudex.
Just be cautious not to burn her newly exposed root base.
She needs to harden off for a few days in the shade first
I give it like 10 to be safe.

Oh BTW I forgot
Regarding the rotting of seedlings
Grow the 'A. Arabicum' species
They reportedly self heal when they develop root rot.
I have about 20 seedlings going from seed at the moment
The leaves are narrower than most you see (so far anyway)

Davie, FL(Zone 10b)

Thanks Mal for the info..
I have access to so many rare desert roses but i don't need another hobby..
Some good thai friends of mine have over 40 different kinds all from thailand..
The only thing i took from her was alot of thai spices and some thai sugar apples..
I have no room for another plant in my collection..

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

No Thai Stick? J/K LOL!
If shes moving them id love to see them.
Is your friend local?

Ive been growing the A.Arabicum to use as grafting stock
You always have room
Look up!!
Build a flat platform (deck heh...) on your roof man...
Itll help keep it cool too.
I see about 150 - 200 more plants up there lol!!
An entire adenium colection lol!!

Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)


I always raise mine up a bit while transplanting to expose more of the developing caudex. Like Michael said you should tone down on the rays for a few days afterward though-----think: what if you had a serious tan line and one day you fell asleep in the sunn with your un-tanned butt totally exposed--------now you see what I mean? LOL

I also use variious mixed hybrid seeds for rootstock. Michael, often times, you can dry an adenium's soil compltely out and actually scoop out a rotted place, then treat with a fungicide and keep dry for another couple of weeks while it heals. Even more interetsing is to cover over new holes or open places in the caudex that are at the soil line by fitting a stone in there and the plant will "adhere" to it, looking even cooler than before as the roots entwine it.


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