Can We Post Adeniums Here Too? They are related to plumies.

Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

As there is no place on Dave's for adeniums----well, let me say the succulent forum almost NEVER has adeniums and I am starting to wonder if anyone on Dave's knows about these beautiful plants also known as Desert Rose. The are in the same Family as plumeria, and many plumeria people are discovering these gorgeous plants. I wanted to share a few pics.

This one is a purple adenium called Muang Toung Thong, from Thailand. BTW--very few varieties of these plants have any gragrance--they make up for it in neon colors! You can grow these plants like a big, fat bonsai. They thrive in the hottest and driest condtitions, and I find a little neglect usually makes them bloom better. Anyway, back to the picture:

Thumbnail by Ncasselberryfla
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

Beauty of Taiwan

Thumbnail by Ncasselberryfla
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

Dark Forest

Thumbnail by Ncasselberryfla
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

Beauty Cloud

Thumbnail by Ncasselberryfla
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

Super Perfume--one of the few scented ones--the scent is NOT "super" as the name implies, but, very, very faint sweet with a hint of spice.

Thumbnail by Ncasselberryfla
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

Black Ruby---this one is very, very hard to photograph and getting that supreme black edge is a challenge.

This message was edited Jun 24, 2006 8:59 PM

Thumbnail by Ncasselberryfla
McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

That first one is a beauty. I've seen desert rose for sale at a few places and have been meaning to get one to try it out. Alas....I feel another addiction starting.

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

I like the black ruby also.

Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

Muang Mang Kol

Thumbnail by Ncasselberryfla
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

Noble Concubine

Thumbnail by Ncasselberryfla
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)


Thumbnail by Ncasselberryfla
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)


Thumbnail by Ncasselberryfla
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks, Scoolie! :)

Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

Ma No Rom

Thumbnail by Ncasselberryfla
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)


Thumbnail by Ncasselberryfla
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

A species --- A. arabicum 'Black Giant'

Thumbnail by Ncasselberryfla
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

Big Chubbiness/AKA--- Long Ong Thong

Thumbnail by Ncasselberryfla
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

Muang Orphan

Thumbnail by Ncasselberryfla
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

Great Beauty

Thumbnail by Ncasselberryfla
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

And--Lastly------- Harry Potter.

Hope ya'll enjoyed the show. My nursery has kept me busy lately, so posting isn't always possible. I do lurk from time to time though to keep abreast of what's going on.


Thumbnail by Ncasselberryfla
Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Wow, those are beautiful and you sure have a lot of them!







The only one I have that's blooming size is a no-name. I have a couple of other seedlings that are still very small - it will be interesting to see what they turn out to be.

Thumbnail by TomH3787
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

Tom, that's a nice flower ya' got there !


Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh Brad I sure am glad your nursery isn't anywhere close by or me and my pocketbook would be in big trouble. I have two desert rose plants--they are pink. I never knew they came in other colors and such vibrant colors at that. Those are absolutely gorgeous. I got my two at a botanical garden sale and the seller said to use osmokote on them, but then I recently read that because they are a tropical, you should use a fertilizer with a high middle number (like plumeria food). What do you recommend? I also would like to do some cuttings on mine. Any suggestions on how to do this? rooting hormore? where to cut???

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

Brads distance shouldnt be an issue LOL!!
He ships!! WOO-HOO!!
I have many adeniums from him and love them all
I also have several no names and the flowers are quite lovely also.
You dont have to spend a lot of dough to get a nice one.
The cheapies ussually are nice but its a crap shoot.
If you want one you can count on the color of before it blooms in your home then buying a grafted from Brad is the way to go.
My Harry Potter is a blooming Madman,
Nobile Concunbine and Arrogant are pushing flowers now.
I am Sto(A?)ked!! WOOT!!

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Wowee! Look at all those beautiful adenium pictures! I am so glad that you posted them here, Brad. They are so closely related to plumeria that pictures and discussions about them are welcome here anytime, I'm sure. Adeniums are such neat plants. They are nearly the perfect plant. I really appreciate things that I can neglect and will thrive in spite of me! LOL! And the flowers are so very stunning. Thanks so much for sharing these.

Tom, your adenium flower is stunning also!

Patty, I was going to say the same thing that Michael did -- don't let the distance between you and him stop you! LOL! I got two from Brad: Harry Potter and Nobel Concubine, and I love them both. Cuttings root easily, and you can use the same technique as you do for plumeria cuttings. You dip the cut end in rooting hormone and let the end callous over for a few days to a week before planting in well-draining soil. Water sparely until you see leaves. I've rooted quite a few this way. You can graft cuttings also if you have the root stock.

Here's is a picture that Kukiat took in a Thailand nursery:

Thumbnail by Clare_CA
Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Here's another picture of Kukiat's in Thailand:

Thumbnail by Clare_CA
Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Thailand is doing wonderful things with hybridizing plumerias as well as adeniums:

Thumbnail by Clare_CA
Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Here's a neat red-purple one in Thailand:

Thumbnail by Clare_CA
Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Kukiat took this picture in an Adenium market:

Thumbnail by Clare_CA
Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Here is one that Anucha posted:

Thumbnail by Clare_CA
Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Anucha calls this one "Star of Romance":

Thumbnail by Clare_CA
Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Here is one that I got from Brad: Harry Potter. It bloomed in the greenhouse this past December:

Thumbnail by Clare_CA
Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Here is my Noble Concubine:

Thumbnail by Clare_CA
Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Here is 'Noble Concubine' when it was blooming in October. I think I'll trim her soon and graft the cuttings on to my ugly Home Depot adenium! LOL!

Thumbnail by Clare_CA
Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Here are some of my seedlings:

Thumbnail by Clare_CA
Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)

Clare, I learned from the many adeniums I gave my mother-------do not fertilize except rarely. I bought her SNG and everything, but, she has a very hot deck surrounded my a stucco wall. It gets HOT there. Hers outbloomed all of mine this year and she told me she forgets to fertilize them! She has done it twice this year and hit them with SNG (Spray-N-Grow) once. This is since February! The soil we use is from a local nursery that makes it--very chunky with bark and perlite---also contains a little plant food. Basically she neglects them unless it is to admire the flowers, which she DOES do quite often. Hers have grown and bloomed even better than mine! Less IS better with these plants.

Nice pics, by the way!

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Thanks for the info., Brad! I'm sorry to say that I just used Miracle Grow on them yesterday! Arrrrr! My potting soil is not loose enough. I will add some more Orchid bark next time I repot. Does your mom have them in full sun? I have them in mostly bright shade now due to space limitations, but I might be able to fix that, I think. I thought I read that filtered sun was best. What do you think?

Geneva, FL(Zone 9b)


My mom's adeniums are mostly in fullm blazing sun for the better part of the day. it gets HOT out there on the deck boards surrounded by that 4 foot tall, concrete block, stuccoed wall. She gets sun from the exact east as it arises in the AM all the way until late afternoon, at which time the trees to the west block it out. In the summer that doesn't happen until around 7:00PM. She does have two plants out front that get filtered sun and are doing okay because she lives in a cluster home development and there are stuccoed, concrete block walls everywhere. Her Singapore plumeria is in a semi-courtyard surrounded by these walls. This winter when mine fried in the freak 26 degrees freeze, hers didn't even get frostbite on the leaves! Mine is coming back from the lower 12 inches about the ground---hers is blooming it's branches off! LOL Well, hers came from a pices of mine, so techincally, it is the same plant. ;) LOL

Leander, TX(Zone 8b)

WOW my wish list just grew!! These are all gorgeous. I'm off to look them up!! I've had this one since last year and it just started blooming like crazy!

Thumbnail by Kauai17
McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

OK so now that we're hooked. Where do we order?

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