Coincidence or good karma?

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

I just found this rare empty spot in my congested garden. Also, the B and D fall catalog arrived in the mail today....

Thumbnail by pardalinum
Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Pard, what's the blue feathery plant in the back? So what are you going to order? I don't even want to think about fall yet. Old House Gardens catalog came today and they have some interesting ones I'm considering. There's one called White Henryi.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi Beak-- Darn it escapes my feeble mind... I think it was chrysanthemum something. It is actually a light sage green or bluish green but when my flash goes off it seems to enhance blues. I'm still learning this digital stuff.. the leaves are very soft and furry/feathery and it gets little rayed button flowers on it. Maybe I should get a better pic when there is more light there and put it on the ID forum, they would make quick work of it. It's a great ground cover and very drought tolerant.

You will like White Henry. I crossed Indian Summer to it last year and sent the seed off to NALS exchange. It sold out pretty early on. Seriously I don't know if I will order from B&D; I have a lot of good choices around here to get good bulbs. But if I DID order I think I would go for a supply of Samur and maybe Naomi..

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Yes, please get an ID on it. It looks very interesting. I'm just learning how to use the digi too. Not doing very well with it yet. It's a darn good thing you can delete the pictures. Couldn't do that with a roll of film.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Yes you should try the ID forum ~ both times I posted there, I had an answer in 10 minutes.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Yes, that is what I am planning to do. Just spent the last 20 minutes or so scanning through the pics there looking for it but didn't see it. It will have to wait until I can get a better pic (when my flash won't automatically go off). It won't be tomorrow though. I have more important things to do, like go visit the Lily Garden:-)

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Green with envy!

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

I think you have execellent Karma! You go for it! :)


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