What do hazelnuts like?

West Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm so excited; the wee, tiny hazelnuts I put in last year are setting fruit! Just a few each; hey're barely four feet tall. What do I feed them? I have them worm castings earlier, because that's what I use when I don't know.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

They are not picky, worm castings, compost etc will do fine. Unless the soil is very poor to began with, they don't usually have any major needs.

West Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Farmerdill, thanks.
I should have mentioned I did add lots of compost. I add yards and yards of compost every year, home-made and delivered in. I also grew clover and turned it in, a couple times. I wouldn't say our soil is good yet, though. Before I started all this, it was such pure sand, you would have thought you were at a beach.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

LarisaB, I am soooo encouraged by the fact that you have made some inroads on converting sand to soil! We've been on our property for exactly a year this month - it is situated on an acient lake bed - sand at least 10 ft down and for miles and miles around. We also have blistering, dry heat that bakes anything organic away. This year I have been gardening with some Miracle Grow as I just HAD to have something GREEN here, but I am working on moving back to 100% organic, which is my preferred method. I, too, have been adding compost in huge amounts. My tiny orchard of 4 tiny trees got 5 ft holes each with a blend of compost, dirt and sand. Some day I hope to have "sandy loam"... but it seems so far away some times. Growing clover and winter rye one one of the acres to turn under next spring. Someday that area is going to be a pasture and not sand.

Congrats on your baby hazle nuts! and thanks for the inspiration and encouragement!

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