NatureMill Automatic composter ?

Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9b)

Im thinking of buying this ,does anyone here have one ?
Its an automatic composter .It uses 10 watts .

How it works: dual-chamber design

Deposit food and paper waste items at any time, on any day. For best results, cut items into small pieces. Items remain in the upper chamber, where ideal "hot composting" conditions are maintained: mixing, air flow, heat, and moisture (see diagram). The energy released destroys odors, pathogens, and seed germination. The compost is later transferred through a trap door to the lower cure tray chamber, where it continues to compost while you add fresh waste items to the upper chamber.

Endless supply of organic compost back to top
Empty the cure tray when the indicator light comes on - roughly every two weeks. More than seventy percent of the initial waste disappears into thin air -- literally -- as compost cultures convert it into water vapor. What's left is a very concentrated compost fertilizer. Fresh compost has a mild organic aroma, which people often describe as damp wool, sourdough bread, or mushrooms. You can use it immediately, or leave it in a heap outdoors until you are ready to work in your garden.

No odors, bugs, or worms - no kidding!

Once compost cultures are established in the first few days of operation, they consume waste quickly without odors. A small fan draws air into the machine continuously, providing oxygen to the compost cultures. A powerful activated charcoal carbon filter removes any lingering odors. The filter is included with the unit, but it must be replaced every 2-3 years as odors develop. You can purchase a new filter from us, or replenish the carbon yourself about $1.

Good for the garden back to top
Compost is high in nitrogen, which is essential for flowering plants and fruit trees. Use compost on your garden, lawn, shrubs, trees, or indoor potted plants. One batch of compost is sufficient for 10-40 sq ft (1-4 sq m) of a lawn or garden, applied once or twice per year. Or use one batch per mature fruit tree, once per year. Spread over the surface of the soil like mulch -- nutrients will slowly enter the soil during watering and annual tilling. You can infuse with water to brew "compost tea" liquid fertilizer. Learn more about gardening with compost.

Great for the environment!

A NatureMill automatic composter recycles its weight in waste every 10 days, diverting over two tons of waste from landfills over its life. This reduces emissions of methane, a harmful greenhouse gas produced when organic matter decomposes in oxygen-starved landfills. Compost returns nutrients to the environment, reducing our need for chemical fertilizers. NatureMill uses 10 watts of power - or about $0.50/month - less than a garbage truck would burn in diesel fuel to haul the same waste. It is made from recycled and recyclable materials.

Its a bit pricey at 450.00 but since my family is vegan it would almost eliminate our landfill use .
Its very convienant and a real space saver which counts for allot on my little beach side lot .
Does anyone have
Any opinions or expieriences with this product ?


Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

New to me,but looks like a good idea.Some gardeners don't have time or the space to compost like I do,(poor souls!),and that looks like good finished compost,and the price isn't that flooring.Mike

Bloomingdale, NY(Zone 4a)

$450 is a lot of money for about 200 pounds of compost a year. If I were apartment-bound with no outdoors room for even a trash-can composter, I'd still keep my plastic compost bucket in my kitchen and empty it at a friend's bin or trench compost it at a community garden. (Can't imagine ever living where I wouldn't have access to a couple of square feet of soil.)

Composting my actual kitchen scraps requires little of my time and very little space. Of course, my composting area is quite large in that my composting also involves grass clippings, leaves, brush, garden waste, horse and chicken manure and bedding. None of which I would bring into my kitchen, even if the little electric composter could handle any of it.


Clairton, PA(Zone 6a)

Oy! $USD450 would by a lot compost if you haven't the room to make it yourself.

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