Photo by Melody

teresamas's Member Page


  teresamas wants you to know:  

  A note from teresamas:  
" Please understand that life occassionally has a way of interfering with my gardening obsession :) So sometimes I may be late getting out an SASE or Trade . I will get it there in as timely a fashion as possible .If you feel that the very day you paypal me an SASE for plants I should ship them then please do not ask for SASEs from me as I do not enjoy being badgered and I am sure it must be bad on the requestors blood pressure to constantly want it shipped NOW to no avail .! It may be 2 weeks before I have the time to pack and ship your free plants .
I love to share my plants and enjoy trading . Daves is my stress reliever from a very busy life raising a special needs child . I love the wonderful people I have met here who share my love of playing in the dirt and ponds :)"

  Photo from teresamas  
"My Elder son Paul and I on Thanksgiving "

Picture of teresamas

teresamas signed up on Aug 21, 2002