Nectarine trees

Annandale, VA

I need an advice for an expert or a person who has some knowledge and experience in nectarines trees. I have a two-year old nectarine tree. I have sprayed the tree religiously every two weeks because last year someone name BettyDee from this site advice me to spray it every two weeks. Some fruits are still getting black and wrotten on the tree. A lot less than last year, but I am also dealing with the problem that most fruits fall from the tree to the ground. I will appreciate any help. Thank you


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Nectarines are a shade more difficult than peaches. If you are using a good home orchard spray, mixed according to directions and applied every two weeks, you should not be having insect and brown rot problems. They will drop surplus fruit early in the cycle. Especially a two year old tree, which will be quite stressed with very many fruits. But you should not be dropping wormy or rotten fruits. If so check, which spray compound that you are using and change if need be.

Annandale, VA

Thank You, Farmerdill, I remember your name. Last year you gave me some good leads and some advice too. I notice that you are very knowledgeable about fruits and all sort of plant for some reason you are a farmer and I guess you must like dill. By the way, I planted a dill herb this year in a sunny side but the dill dried out. All the herbs did really well except for this one. Do you know what could have gone wrong?



Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

No idea, dill is one of the things that I do not grow. Just a hobby grower whose whose given name shortens to dill.

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