Some sort of wasps around my peach tree (no fruits)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I have a dwarf elberta peach tree, quite healthy (I think) which I planted last spring. It did not have any blooms this year - I think because the blooms got frost killed. In any case, it has grown a lot since I planted it last year and the leaves are all healthy looking. Occasionally one turns yellow and falls to the ground but no mass leaf drop is occurring. It looks very good to my (untrained) peach eye. Anyway, the one thing I notice is that there always seem to be one or two of those odd looking wasp-like things that hang their legs down behind them. Not the yellow jacket type wasps - the bigger ones - sort of like the paper wasps I think. They have legs that hang out behind them with yellow portions on the black legs. They have big black wings. Anyway, what is their interest in my peach tree? There are no fruits, just leaves. They don't seem to settle anywhere for long, they just hang out around it. Are they looking for non-existant fruits? Are they thinking of nesting? What is the deal?! Does anyone have any clue?


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I think, from looking at some pictures, that they might be "mud daubers" or they are very similar, in any case, just in case that helps.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

If they are indeed "mud daubers" they are looking for others insects to put in thier nests for the young to eat when they hatch out. They are predators and a good criiter to have around. Thier bad side is that they stick thier mudball nests in places where they are not wanted. They are not agressive toward humans.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh! That's very interesting, because when I was looking closely at the leaves (to see if there were, for example, weeping spots of sap that they were interested in, or something), I noticed there were quite a few other insects on there - smaller ones of various types, nothing appeared to be eating holes in the leaves or anything so I didn't worry about it. Mabye they were "gathering" prey?!

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