Inexpensive and Floriferous Daylilies Fix For Poor Addicts

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Good to know... I'm probably not the only one who forgets to check there... I need to review the sticky! :-)

Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

Just to let any and everyone who happens to stumble into this thread by choice or accident.... just let me know if any of your Daylilies ((or lilys of any sort)) need a Florida Vacation...I have a wonderful retreat for them out front. *S*

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Yeah, I am thinking we need to do some serious DL swapping!! :) I don't have a bunch, but I would love to do some trading for more that I don't have !


Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

What an excellent thread. Price is definitely an issue these days and would much prefer having something that is floriferous. Personally I only have about 10 daylilies, but "Forgotten Dreams" outblooms the others by at least 3 to 1, and they're not small sized blooms at 61/2 inches. I see it used to sell for $100 back in 2003, but now can be had for $10.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Wow - sounds like one I need to check out... thanks!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

It stands above the rest in my yard in height and in blooms. Consistently been 5-7 blooms a day for the last 7-10 days.

Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

I came across this site earlier this morning..

Too bad they're only for sale IN CANADA at this time... I don't understand why... I would love to have a whole garden of these. Does anyone have any information as to why? and if it's just simply a biz decision, I'd like to find a buddy who would RESEND the package to me...if that was possible.

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Looks like that's a lily site, not daylilies. But there are quite a few US sellers. Though they would probably all be sold out right now. They generally sell for fall or spring delivery. If you are wanting daylilies, a lot of places will deliver as long as it's not too hot, early spring and on through the growing season.

Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

looking for ALL sorts of Lilies! I posted here hoping someone might know something about the company..

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

you can look in garden watchdog to see if there are ratings there. Also there is a separate dg forum specifically for other lilies, separate from daylilies if you would like to check it out.

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Well, by what I can tell, it's a Canadian company. If it were to ship to the US, the postage to ship an order would probably be pretty high. Also, shipping plants from one country to another would require inspections or there could be other requirements that would cost the buyer even more.
I think it's cheapest and easier to find sellers within your own country that doesn't have any restrictions of shipping plants to your state. There are a lot of Lily and Daylily growers in the US.
There's a Daylily resource thread at the top of this forum. If you post on the lily forum here at DG, I'm sure those nice folks over there can help you find some lily resources.

Hope that has helped.


Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

What are some of your favorite (yet inexpensive) Lily & Daylily resources?

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Well, you can get some good deals on the Lily Auction, where I currently shop for most of my daylilies. You can get both expensive and reasonably priced daylilies from Marietta Gardens, Maryotts, Slighthly Different Nursery, Oakes Daylilies, to name a few. They usually have all price ranges.

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

I think I've gotten my Lilies mostly from co-ops, so I don't have personal experience with any of the Lily growers. But I have bought from many Daylily growers. I have a few favorites that I order from every year, and every year I try some that are new to me, and usually find some new favorites.
I also buy from The Lily Auction, there are many good sellers there. I've bought from DG members, either through their classified ads or the Market Place here. Many sellers advertise on the Daylily Robin bulletin if you are a member of the AHS, I've bought from a number of them.

Here's a list, in no particular order of some of the online growers with websites that I can recommend. All of these growers sell reasonably priced daylilies, send healthy plants and are generous.

Critter Creek Farms
Delano Daylilies
Daylilies By The Pond
Daylily Manor
Simonton Bridge Daylily
Good Daylilies
Rainbow Reflections Daylily Garden
Earlybird Daylilies and Iris
Stardreamer Daylilies
Cottage Gardens Daylilies
White Top Daylily Farm (you can find them on Ebay or on the Plantstep site)
Day Bloomers Daylily Garden
Mystic Meadows Daylily Farm
Wynn's Daylily Gardens
Homestead Farms


Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

WOW! an overwhelming list . . .and for you vetern Daylily growers, that's probably just the begining! *LOL*

I still find such a thrill in trading with fellow DG'rs... a "surprise" in every box! ((well...almost)) ~S~

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Trading is a lot of fun. And the plants from trading are always extra special, because you get to think of your online friend every time it blooms. :-)

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I agree with that ! Between the trading and the roundups.... I have a garden of friends! :)

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

just got back on here at the same time they bump this up .
So glad you are still enjoying you flowers !

Harrod, OH

I hope you do not mind my responding to this thread! I just could not help it.
Thank you for all the hours this must have taken to give us this information.
It is very helpful and I will add it to my favorites.
Thanks again.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Welcome, Oma! Thanks for the bump! I've been looking at new (new-to-me, that is) DLs lately also; need to read through this thread again!

'Little Grapette' has been a good increaser for me. I think I got it maybe 5 years ago, and now I have 3 nice clumps in a border (interspersed with 'Happy Returns'). This year, I got several little shoots from the bloom stalks, too (memory lapse; I know there's a name for those!), so I have those babies potted up to share in spring.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi there you two. Long time since I actually talked to you Jill. Welcome Oma. You can spend the winter going thru old threads with SO many great pictures.
If you need to 'have' some more, dont forget the Lily auction. I guess its getting past fall planting time up there tho, that gives you all fall and winter to look ;-)

Jill your daughter is so fun, you know I have a special little place where she is concerned. :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, yes, she's something else! 3 going on 13. :-) She was all excited this afternoon on a new bloom on a mandevilla that I brought inside for the winter, and she just brought her daddy some flowers from the garden (geranium 'Roxanne', still blooming away) that she found when we went out to scavenge a couple late figs for a snack.

She's become a very active participant in looking at photos and choosing new plants for the garden (online and also at our favorite nursery, home to her favorite parrot). We'll have fun making a DL wish list over the winter!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

How exciting! Can't believe she is 3 already! That is such a fun and exciting age! Seems like just yesterday mine were that age..... now they are 18,19, and 24 - and worse yet, just about to ALL have bdays! Hard to believe someone 29 has kids that old!! ^_^

Enjoy every moment Jill!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Genna, LOL!!

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