Don Gillogly Avocado

Plano, TX

Does anyone have any experience in growing these Don Gillogly Avocado trees? I have two and was wondering if anyone else has ventured into this area. Thanks for all replies- fred

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Hi Fred:

I have one of these and have had no luck whatsoever. Two years - first year it appeared to have died. Forgot to throw it out and 6 months after that it sprouted again. Now I have 3 foot high plant but the leaves keep sprouting, turn brown, die and drop off. I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions?

Sarah, So Calif.

Plano, TX

I have two of them and the first year I made a mistake by planting it in to big of a container. Apparently it spent the whole first year developing roots. This year it has taken off and grown well but still no blooms. Be careful not to overwater it because they HATE wet feet.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Well, I think my avocado is toast. Attempted to rescue it from its pot, but it refused to budge. I can only guess that what roots it has have attached to the pot .....tree is basically dead. Good thing I bought it on sale. In the meantime, I have bought a Fuerte and will plant that in the ground.

El Cerrito, CA

I have a Don Gillogly avocado that's about 8 feet tall and five years old. It has never successfully produced fruit. Last two years there were stalks with tiny fruit (1/2 inch long) which dropped off. It looks healthy and there were tons of flower buds this year, but no fruit. I wonder if ANYBODY has ever successfully grown this plant?

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

My Dad in Anaheim, CA has a Don Gillogly and it produces tons and tons of fruit. I think that he planted it about 3 or 4 years ago. I'm just jealous that I can't have one in Connecticut.

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