My meyer lemon leaves won't get green......

Southern, United States

I have been fertilizing regularly, I gave them some iron and they still won't get green, a darker green I mean. They're not yellow, but light green like a green apple. The new ones coming out are that way too. What should I do? Any suggestions? Also are they supposed to be shiny? I'm lacking that too.

Canby, OR(Zone 8b)

It's good to see someone else out there with a Meyer Lemon.
it is my humble and limited understanding that lighter green leaves are a good thing. I recently purchases a Meyer Lemon tree and when we bought it, half the leaves were dark green the rest were a lighter green. The "tree expert" there told us the lighter green leaveis new growth which will over time darken as the rest. From what you've said, it sounds like you just have quite a bit of new growth. Are there some leaves that are of the darker green color? How long have you had the tree? My Meyer Lemon tree has been struggling this last month so there has been no knew growth and now most of my leaves have started to darken in color. I realize this may or may not help, but there's my limited knowledge.

Good luck.

Fulton, MO

New leaves will have that apple green color for about 8 weeks. SB

Canby, OR(Zone 8b)

I forgot to mention that per my knowledge they are not supposed to be shiny. But then again, I could be wrong. I just speak from experience on my own Meyer. They've never really had shiney leaves.

Southern, United States

Even the new leaves I've gotten over the past year have not turned a darker shade of green. I went back and looked at some of the links posted about meyer lemons and all their leaves are quite darker than mine ever have been. Even my lime trees have faded. Mine were shiny when I got them, but maybe that has to do with a spray they put on them. I don't know, I was just wondering if I was doing something wrong. It just doesn't look happy.

Fulton, MO

There are a variety of links available on citrus nutrition, you can Google it.

Diffuse pallor of the leaves is usually nitrogen deficiency; other deficiencies will generally show one pattern or another.

I've said it before, Meyers are not easy to grow. I'm working on killing my second Meyer right now. :-)


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