Houseplant Swap III

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Just finished up Houseplant Swap III and it was a wonderful swap for all involved. I have decided to host round III. I will again take names, addresses and list of your haves/wants. Please note that if you list rare or expensive plants you most likely will not receive them. Please do not expect to. I will try to match everyone up with at least one plant on their list. However sometimes this is not possible, so please be open to new ideas as well.

Rules are listed below.
1. Do not sign up if you only want free plants, I will send you some free plants if you just ask.
2. Minimum number of cuttings/plugs/starts/plants is 4 (this will allow some newbies to join as well) - you may send extras, small gifts if you want, this is completely optional and not a requirement. If you do send extra, please do not be upset if you don't receive extra in return from your buddy.
3. Sign ups will runs until June 19th (may extend if needed)
4. Mailing date will be July 10th - can mail sooner if you want to. Just make sure ok with your buddy.
5. Post to forum when you pkg is mailed and when you receive.

If you have any questions that are not answered above, please dmail me. Thanks and hope to host another wonderful trade. Round 1 we had 13 buddies, round 2 we had 12. Hope to see another good turn out. Lets go for 14 this tie. The more the merrier.

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

i have not done the last houseplant swaps but would love to do this one. can i join you?


Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Sure send me your info.

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Count me in. I dmailed you.

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

You can count me in for
the houseplant swap III
I will send you a dmail

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Oops typo we just completed round II, we are on round III now. As long as the swaps are sucessful I will do this until its to cold to ship plants. Sign ups will be for each individual round.

We have about 5 already.

Hometown, IL(Zone 5a)

Count me in!

I'm in on Round III, too! The first two were great!
I'll send you updated have and want lists.

Cincinnati, OH

I would like to try, too. What do I need to do?

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

i am so in this one as well...loved the 2nd one :o)

My wants are any

mother of thousand
Philo 'prince of orange'
Philo "moonlight"
Philo "Black cardinal"
any begonia

And really anything with reds/pinks in it. Really any houseplant I will be happy with, these are just on my want list :o)


Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Kelley Im new to Daves .Im really into ponding /water gardening and dont do much houseplants but I wanted to send out a BIG HUG to you .
My husband and I are raising our Aspergers sons child who has PDD-NOS . both of my boys are very high functioning but even then its a tough row to hoe sometimes !!! We begin the federal online
Connections Academy school in the fall for Kindergarden at the advice of the OT ,ST and P-Doc . I am petrified LOL!
Anyway , I Hope all settles down soon as your son
gets into his new routine and you have a great summer :)
Take Care ,

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

The following are signed up, however I am still needing some info on some, please advise asap. We will extend the sign ups until Wedensday, and I will send dmails on Friday with your buddies name.

dodgedame - need mailing info
missg - need your haves/wants and mailing info
red_princess_71 - need your haves and mailing info
raingazer - need haves/wants and mailing info
kaykay1010 - need haves/wants and mailng info

please invites some other dgers to join us. And remember to add this forum to your watch list. Have a Happy Monday.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Only need info from kaykay1010 now. Will assign buddies tomorrow. Thanks to all who joined. If anyone else wants to join please do so by this afternoon. Thanks.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Buddies will be assigned today. Watch for dmail.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Sorry everyone due a overloaded week I have not gotten buddies assigned. I am leaving at 9 am for a mini vacation weekend. I will get these assigned by 4th for sure. Sorry again. We can move the mailing date to the 17th due to late assignment date.

Again I apologize, have a great 4th.

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)


That is fine, it just gives us more time to get our plants rooted and things.

Have a great weekend and 4th


Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

yes i agree with char i am still rooting one of mine so it just helps us! you enjoy your weeked!!!! we appreciate you doing the plant swap and are on your terms so you take your time : )


Hometown, IL(Zone 5a)

Life is what gets in the way of what you really wanted to do...take your time!

My thanks added to the above folks for running this swap! :D


Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Sorry, Sharon. You absolutely must come back from your vacation to get our swap names organized!!! lol jk Have fun!!

Cincinnati, OH

Sorry everyone,

Seriously, I did not fall off the face of the earth. My husband has been in and out of the hospital and we do not know what is going on. We are a young couple (30's) and are absolutely clueless. We have an autistic child and between the two, it has been all I can do to breathe, let alone go online. I am terribly sorry. If you are praying types, please pray for my husband's health, and also for my patience and sanity!! LOL. I have sent my list to snboyken, but I do realize it is late, you can keep it for next time. I just wanted to apologize for my absence and say that I am sorry to have kept everyone waiting.

Thanks again, and again, and again.


PS you may see parts of this note in other places, as I have ALOT of people to apologize to and just dont have the time to keep writing the same thing over and over. Sorry yet again.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Sorry guys I am hoping so badly to get these assigned to day. I am usually a better host than this. just got back to work today and again swamped, I may try to do this during my lunch hour.

kaykay you are in this swap.

Cincinnati, OH

Thank you very much. No problem on my part as to the delay.


Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

I know most of you will be completely surprised and shocked. I finally got the buddies assigned today. Please dmail me when you have received your buddy. Thanks.

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Hey Sharon- just curious when the new mail deadline is?

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

i think the deadline is tomorrow is that right?


Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

It was today, however I am going to extend it until 24th. Let me know if thats a problem for anyone. Just have in mail by 24th.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)


I mailed mine today. Gosh I am kind of worried because it is so darn hot. Hope they get there okay.

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

i mailed mine today as well. i sure hope like makshi they do okay. it is near 100 here!


Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)


We may have be getting and giving green mush. It is going to be over 100 here today also. I am not going out until it changes for the better.

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

diane i went to town today with the kids and our jeeps air doesn't work boy was it hot! we were so ready to get home. try and stay cool : )


Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

You can post pone mailing if you contact your buddy. I haven't even gotten mine together and the weather next week is suppose to cool off to 86 - yes cool compared to 95-97 range this week.

I hope noone gets mush.............

Cincinnati, OH


I am like you and have not even got them together. I am going to wait for next week when the temp is going down. I will let you know!!


Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

how do we know who is sending to us? i sure think we should dmail our buddies when package is mailed so it wont have to sit in sun all day. i let my buddy know this morning to expect hers wednesday.


Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Well, if mine gets fried I will have to get something else together and try rooting and keeping fingers crossed.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

I received two pkgs this week ( not from this swap) that were received in good condition. The papertowel on both was still moist. Hopefully any mailed will be ok as well.

Please be sure to post when you mail/receive you pkg so I can update my list.

Have a great day and stay cool.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Mine got where it was going and it was lucky that any make it alive. It was 110 where they went. Only one expired. :(

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

I can replace the expired plant, sorry it didn't make it. Depending on where they are going the temps could be high. It has been 97-99 here this week. Mine also go to a po so they inside air conditioned during the day.

I will mark that your buddy received. If anyone wants to wait to ship that is fine with me, just let you buddy know either way, some have been off on vacation when pkgs were delivered. Certianly wouldn't want that in this heat.

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

Here is a pic of my wonderful houseplants that lovesdaylillies sent..I love them and did not have any of them.

Thank you so much for them, kelly I love them.


Thumbnail by red_princess_71
Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

char you are welcome! i am glad they made it. there are 3 different types of kalanchoe mother of thousands. i didn't know if you could read the marker played out lol. the other is golden rattail cactus and strawberry begonia. hope they do great for you! all of the kalanchoes of mine are always loaded with babies : )


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Makshi already posted that I received my package from her, but I wanted to give a public thank you...her box to me was filled with wonderful goodies.
I especially appreciated the hoyas and the birds nest sans.
Thank you Diane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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