How to completely remove a mulberry bush?

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Hope someone can help with this. I have great respect for plants which are so obviously survivors, but I share 1-foot area between two concrete walkways (my neighbor's and mine) that is divided by a fence and there are mulberry bushes growing all along my side of the fence (from bird droppings, I assume). Cutting them down does nothing, they just resprout even more branches than before. My neighbor on the other side dug one out about 2 feet down and it grew right back months later - it is now about 10 ft tall!

Short of using some incredibly toxic herbicide, which I'd rather avoid, is there any way to permanently get rid of these bushes?

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

I don't know about your neighbor's case, but I have found that mulberry sprouts and bushes cut off 3 inches below the ground and covered with dirt mounded up a couple of extra inches does them in every time. I have killed probably 400 that way. Most were not really large yet but a couple were.

Hopkinsville, KY(Zone 6b)

There are times when judicious use of an appropriate herbicide is called for, and this is one of them. While you may have inordinate fear or revulsion at the idea of using a herbicide, sometimes you just gotta let go.
Brush-B-Gon or full-strength Roundup(not the dilute ready-to-use stuff), painted onto a freshly-cut stump(and you only need to paint around the edges, making sure to contact all exposed cambium) should do the trick without resulting in widespread environmental contamination.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks. I can't mound soil around them, Indy so it may come to that Lucky_P. I'll have to give myself some time to get used to the idea of buying Roundup :-)

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