Real Tropical Expertise needed

Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

I'll post in Florida, too, but wanted to get some opionions from you all.

This is the view out our back. The dock goes to the "Wild and Scenic" Myakka River, and those are protected alligator ferns. They are attractive enough, to me, but turn brown and crumble. It's the brown crumbly stuff that annoys my psyche, and it goes all along the lot line in back, between cabbage palms.

It is dry all winter, then periodically VERY wet along here during the stormy season, and the water is brackish when it comes up. I'd like to plant something that doesn't get as tall as the ferns, maybe gets wider, but will stay green, or flower, and hide the brown crumbles, or at least distract from it.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated!

Thumbnail by Sallyoyo
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