Wintersown Alliums?

Beachwood, OH

Do you think I can wintersow Allium Globemaster, christophii, and Mt Everest? Looks like I'm going to get some seeds off them. I found just one reference to it on the net and they said 3-4 years to bloom. That is a long time to wait isn't it?

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Yes, long time to wait, and that's what I've found in my research, too.

Might be better to buy a few bulbs (is there an allium coop going now?) and try to get them to multiply? Don't know if that's possible with Globemasters, either, but could be an interesting challenge since they are so fascinating, but pricey, too, and others have had luck with Gladiators, etc., multiplying.

You might find some good information on the "Allium Central" site....

I will be interested to follow your progress. t.

Thumbnail by tabasco
Beachwood, OH

tabasco - you're making me laugh 0L. The embedded msg I got from above is....hey have a good time knocking yourself out - and let me know how it works. After 3-4 years I may feel rather put out with the whole thing and just go buy some on sale at the end of the season and be done with it.

What variety is that in your pic? They are shorter than anything I've got.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL Those are my first year Globemasters at the beginning of the season. Got them from Bleek in a private co-op last year. As the season progressed they got taller and bigger. I got some very nice Gladiators, Mount Everests and Ivory Queens on sale at Home Depot at the end of the season, btw.

Well, I didn't mean to dissuade you from the challenge, but, you're right, I couldn't stand waiting 3 years for results. I'm not that organized (or patient) and would end up unknowingly pulling them for weeds, or mowing over them or something like that.

I found another site about allium propagation that might be of interest to the more organized and patient among us...

Mine were fun to grow this spring and I hope some come back although I will be surprised if they do. I think they are getting too much water this summer.

Thumbnail by tabasco
Beachwood, OH

wow -my Globemasters are more like 30-36" - but I don't have a lot of sun so they may be stretching.

Right now I'm just thinking I wish I had 5 hours a week all to myself to get garden chores done so I could enjoy it more. I am totally resolved not to take on any more plants or projects until I get done with what I've got!!!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, by the end of their bloom cycle mine were 3 feet, too--depending on where they were planted. I think I put in about 20 around the yard, plus several other gladiators, giganteums, etc., etc. For a while I had a lot of the 'purple ball thing' going and it looked a little bizarre in my yard. But fun, too!

I hope you find some time to garden. It's pretty good 'therapy' and satisfying, too, isn't it?!

Beachwood, OH

yes - I just 'talked' to you on that Tracy Aust thread and I'm going to go finish cutting back my azaleas right now too. I got it half done a couple weeks ago. I have about 45 azaleas and rhodos so it does take some time.

Annandale, NJ(Zone 6b)

I must be thinking slow tonight....I keep asking for clarification....If I have this can sow seeds and baby them along for 3-4 years and maybe get some results....or go to the nursery and buy bulbs and get blooms next year. Yes? HM

Tabasco - you must think I am stalking you.....every forum I pulled up tonight you have been just ahead of me. Since we are living parallel lives, I hope you have had a nice day....mine was teriffic.


Beachwood, OH

I'm down to 2 Hakone Grass, 1 Lindera benzoin, 1 Pinellia cordata, a Japanese Yew, Blue Princess holly cuttings that are rooted, half a flat of white impatiens, and a pot of rooted vinca cuttings. Whew - oh yeah, I have a few more lily bulbs I never planted. OMG, I am truly ill to keep buying and sowing more plants. But this is a fraction of what I had last year at this time yet to do. I am really done for the year - I just want time this summer to enjoy my gardens and plan moving things around. My wintersown seedlings that survived are all doing well. Now we just need sun, higher night time temps and no rain for a week. I did a rough count of my perennials and I think I have over 250 kinds. That is ridiculous and its getting harder to arrange.

I'm keeping an eye on the allium seed heads developing. The chrisophii are all developing lots of seeds but what I want is the white Mt Everest and the purple Mars and Globemaster. My Lady Jane species tulips went to seed and I saved all of it. I might try some out of interest but I bet they take 3 years to bloom also. And yes herbmoxie - it will take several years to get these bulbs grown from seed to blooming stage. Oh well, for some reason I can't bear to pay $5 for a bulb so I wait till the end of year sales and use Bulbtone on them.

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