Advice about receiving wrong lily bulbs.

Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

I ordered some lilies from an online company. Now that some of them are blooming, it seems like thsy sent me some of the wrong ones. What should I do? Contact them and ask them to send the ones I was supposed to get? It's not that they aren't pretty, but they are not the colors I wanted.
Thank you,

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Yes, contact them. Reputable companies guarranty their bulbs to be true to name. It is usually easy to just contact them by email. Let us know what they say.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

When I got the wrong bulbs from Van Engelen I sent them a digital picture, and they were excellent about replacing them. Like you the ones I got were very pretty, just not the ones I ordered.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I had that problem last year with a very reputable lily grower. They were just about dumb-struck as to how I ended up with one of their their seedlings but they were quick to replace it in the Fall.

Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

I ordered 6 new lilies (Salmon Star) from Dutch Gardens but they were unable to make the order so they substituted 10 Muscadet lilies without consulting. I emailed my view (negative) on that practice back and told them I'd prefer a sub of my choice which would be Black Beauty. They told me to keep the Muscadets and they'd send me some Black Beauties. To my surprise they added a 3rd set which brought that total to 9 lilies, For an orginal order of 6, I ended up with 19. I still want the originals but rermain a satisfied customer.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

It is all PR isn't it, particularly with the Net. Have no idea how many people read the Lily forum but am sure that with a positive email such as the above, we will still all be quite happy to order from Dutch Gardens. Think of how the email could have gone, if they had behaved differently with the order. Subbing without consulting is a real no no though;. Hope they have learnt not to do this again.

Inanda - with first lily open, Lilies from now till frost -- yum yum. As well, iris are still blooming away. Crazy weather.

Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I've always had more success with calling directly and speaking to customer service when this has happened. I don't trust e-mail, there's no accountability on the recipient's end.
When I call to put in a complaint, I keep notes on what date, what exactly I am getting or how much of a credit.

Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

Well Guys,
An update on my order. I contacted bloomingbulb on June 14th where I ordered my lilies. I told them I got some of the wrong lilies. Michelle, from bloomingbulb emailed me back on the June 16th and here is her reply:

Thank you for your email. I am sorry to hear about the Connecticut Memory.
> I
> am sorry to say that our spring season is over and we are no longer
> shipping
> from the grower. I can set up a spring 2007 replacement or credit your
> cards
> on the wrong lilies. Please let me know what you would prefer to do.

I had to email her back because some more lilies bloomed wrong. What I received were some orange lilies and some white ones. I ordered Tom Pouce and Bergamo too, which definitely are not what I got. I am quite disappointed because I was so looking forward to seeing them bloom and get them growing. But, that said, it sounds like they are going to be very fair about the situation. I'll keep you posted what happens from here. I have to decide if I want the credit on my card or the lilies.

The ones I did get the correct bulbs were:

Commander in Chief
Kiss Me Kate
Coral Sunset

These were all absolutely lovely and I am very satisfied with them. But the Tom Pouce and Bergamo were the ones I was really looking forward to the most. ;o(

The ones I didn't receive are:

Tom Pouce
Connecticut Memory
Marquee ( Not sure about this one yet)


Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

By the way,
Does anyone have a photo of the lily 'Marquee'?

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

The only one I found was at Bloomingbulb

Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Moby. That's where I ordered them. Was just wondering if anyone had a photo of their own for me to compare some of the orange ones I got that were the wrong lily bulbs.
Sherry ;o)

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

That's the odd thing, I can't find any info anywhere except at bloomingbulb. It doesn't seem to be registered so it's hard to say how this one came about.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

There is no registered lilium by the name of Marque(e), unless it is a 2006 registration. 2006 isn't printed yet.

Probably another of the dutch named plants. The dutch wholesalers often just name lilies a name they think fits.

Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

Moby and inanda,
Thanks for trying. I came up with hte same result. ;o( Oh well I'll know if it's the correct one in a day or so. Then can decide whether to get new lilies or get my money back.

Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

Do you all have any recommendations for online sites where you've had good luck getting the correct lilies?

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