Urgent Help Needed to start new Honeycomb Butterfly Bush

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

Help..Something has chewed the bark off the bottom of my Butterfly Bush 'Honeycomb' (Buddleja x weyeriana).
It is Dying, I have taken cutting off of it to start a new one...What is the best proven way to start these cuttings.
It was a gift to me from a very old friend and I do not want to loose it all together.
Thanks and Good Gardening.,
Martha in Louisville, KY

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, I'm so sorry about your Buddlea! I wouldn't give up on it once you cut it back, though, as I think they've been known to come back from the roots.

I hope somebody will have specific tips for Butterfly Bush for you... But I think you could probably follow the general guidelines in the thread (near the top of the forum) about propagating salvia, since I think it's about the same for any woody cutting.... you might want slightly longer cuttings, and you might put them into 4 inch rather than 2 inch pots once they strike roots, but I think it would have a good chance of working.

I think I remember a thread about propagating roses from cuttings inside big ziploc bags with a few inches of soil at the bottom of the bag.... maybe you can find that discussion... bet it would also work for your cuttings.

While you're waiting for answers, just keep your cuttings in water so they'll stay firm & fresh. If you've got plenty of cuttings, you may be able to try several different things.

Good luck!

somewhere, PA

I'd suggest dipping them in rooting hormone and puting them into moist vermiculite
and then wrap the whole thing in plastic (loosely w/ just a little open for some air). Put
this somewhere bright but not in direct sun. I use this technique with success for a
variety of cuttings.


Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thank you both....I am just so upset my this....I can't even believed that this happened.
I will combine what the two of you said and lets see if i have at least one success. I have enough for about 14 starts. Again.....
Thank you
Good Gardening..
Martha In Louiville, KY.

Oakland, CA(Zone 10b)

And I'd suggest starting a whole bunch of cuttings - that way, at least a few will "take" and you'll not only have a replacement if you need it, you'll have some extras ready for trading ;-) Good luck!

Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

I'll offer the same view that critterologist offered. Just cut it back to the ground, water it, and offer it a bit of time release fertilizer. It will be with you forever. You can have a bit of fun with the cuttings, but the plant in the ground will come back. Happy Gardening! I cut mine back every couple of years, because I don't really care for the woody thing. They do just fine.

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