hydrangea cuttings trade

Augusta, GA


I know it's awhile yet before prime time fto cut back and take cuttings for hydrangeas, but I'd like to know if anyone is interested in doing a trade. I have hydrangea limelight and really want a dwarf red hydrangea.


Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

Deb, I would like to trade cuttings for the limelight, but don't have the dwarf red. I'm also interested in acquiring an oakleaf or any others that I don't have. These are the hydrangeas I have:
Teller Blue Lacecap (pic sent)
Merritt's supreme
Forever Pink
Ami Pasquier
Variegated Leaf lacecap
An old blue variety (gotten from an old homeplace)

If you are interested in trading cuttings let me know. thanks, Jenny

Thumbnail by sh1025
Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

When is "prime time"? Late summer?

- Brent

Maben, MS(Zone 7b)

Jenny you have dmail.


Augusta, GA

From what I have heard, late summer e.g August/Sept. is the correct time to prune back the bushes and so the most convenient time to take cuttings!

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

That having been said...late summer etc. I have always had more luck rooting newer shoots. How about the rest of you? I tried for two years to get the late summer cuttings to root, and I don't know if it was just too hot here or what, but I did have luck last year in July getting some to root. Maybe it was just "dumb" luck.LOL I have the old fashioned blue one and a white one that is just blooming for the first time this year..not sure it is getting enough sun, and a variegated one that has yet to bloom, this is only it's second year though, gets late day sun...keeping my fingers crossed. I also have to seedlings I put out I rooted and they both made it through the winter, but of course they are not blooming this year, I hope they are going to grow a bit though. How long does it generally take for the seedlings to grow to flowering size? This is a bouquet with my blue one last year...

Thumbnail by JanetS

I've had much better luck, too, doing cuttings in early summer. I tried a lot of late cuttings last year and they didn't do well at all.

I am interested in trading cuttings with people. I am looking for these:

Hydrangea serrata 'Miranda'
H. serrata 'Midoriboshi Temari'
H. serrata 'Painter's Palate'
H. serrata 'preziosa'
Hydrangea serrata 'Purple Tiers' (Miyama-yae-Murasaki)'
Hydrangea m. 'domotoi'

Edited to add: Frillibet

I have these that I can do cuttings from now:

H. macrophylla 'amethyst'
H. macrophylla leucantha 'Queen's Lace'
Oakleaf 'Alice'
Another oakleaf that I can't identify
H. macrophylla 'Madam Emile Moulliere'
H. paniculata 'pink diamond'
H. macrophylla 'Pink elf' (I have found this one to be extremely hard to root)

I also have several varieties of lacecaps the name of which I don't know because I've had the shrubs for so long. One is variegated. I have photos of the flowers.

sh1025, you have dmail.

This message was edited Jun 12, 2006 8:13 PM

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I would love to try some of your cuttings. I don't have a lot of hydrangeas, but maybe you are interested in other plants as well. I do have forsythia, red twig dogwood, weigela,and may other Perennials. I really would love to have some that do well in mostly shady areas. Are there varieties that do well in shade? Thanks.

Augusta, GA

Ayesha and limelight are the only two I know I can identify. I also have numerous other perennials to trade. I am interested in a forever pink, reds and whites especially in dwarf or smaller bushes. I really don't seem to have much luck with rooting things so I may want any trade partner to root for me if possible.

Presque Isle, MI(Zone 5a)

Here is a photo of Glowing Embers that I rooted last summer. I also have a Penny Mac that is going to bloom from last years cuttings.

Thumbnail by garyt
Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

Deb, I have Forever Pink which I can root for you as I'm rooting a few other cuttings. I'll let you know when it is ready. Jenny

Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

In our area I would not take cuttings after the first week in August. The reason many hydrangea growers take cuttings beginning the middle of July and lasting until the end of the first week in August is because that is when many of the blooms are ready to be deaheaded for arrangements. It's simply more efficient to deadhead and take cuttings from non-flowering stems at the same time. I leave the cuttings I take in that period outside during the winter because they are already hardened and can take our mild winters. Great thread!

Janey, if you are referring to my cuttings, go ahead and dmail me. I am mostly interested in cuttings from hydrangeas I don't have, but I will trade for other things if it's something I need. The only shrubs I wouldn't be able to cut from unless it's something I really want, are the ones that are fairly new to me this year and are still small. Any of my large lacecaps is fair game, and they are beautiful! I also have a wonderful blue macrophylla, but I don't know the cultivar. My neighbor gave it to me. The photo below is that shrub. He says he doesn't remember what it is, but he knows it's not 'Nikko Blue' . LOL!! I know that this one roots easily. The 'pink elf', on the other hand, I have had 0 success with.
I'm already trading cuttings for the oakleafs, so I can't do any more of those this year.

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Augusta, GA

Hello all,
I have a question. Since at least one of the dwarf varieties is hard to root, has anyone tried to use root stock of any kind to propagate hydrangeas?

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes I would love some of your cuttings. Pixydish and Gary too! Just let me know what you would like. I don't have the hydrangea, but I do have lots of other things.

Deb, I've never heard of them using root stock for hydrangeas.

Does anyone have H. serratta 'Preziosa' they can trade cuttings from?
Or H. macrophylla 'Madame Truffaut'
H. macrophylla 'altona'
H. macrophylla 'frillibet' ?

Augusta, GA

One of my new hydrangeas just bloomed this year and the petals are smaller and denser and are blue or white. It has a more delicate look to the heads. The heads are smaller and the leaves are lighter and less corrugated but similar in size and shape. I know one of these hydrangeas is aleysha (I thought both were). Does anyone recognize the names or types by this description? Both bushes are heart shaped leaves. The second bush has the typical larger flatter violet petals throughout the head. When my camera comes back from Colorado, I will post pics.

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

Deb, Ayesha is very easy to recognize by looking at the flower head. The flowers or sepals are cupped, almost like a half circle. They are distinct. Hope this helps, Jenny

Augusta, GA

Thanks Jenny...does it have blue and white flowerlets on the same head?

Ocean Springs, MS

If anyone would be willing to send me some cuttings, I'd gladly pay postage. I don't have any to trade because mine are babies (which came from cuttings donated to me after Katrina). Thanks for your help. julie

Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 9a)

I, too, would appreciate some cuttings for postage if anyone is interested. Not because mine are small, but because mine are gone.

After the two 100+ year old Oak trees came down on top of them last year. By the time we got the oak trees cut up and moves, my hydrangeas were gone.

These hydrangeas were her when we bought the house over 10 years ago. I'm pretty sure they had been here a whole lot longer than that.


I can send you both some cuttings from the lacecaps and the blue one if you don't mind not knowing the names of them.
Wish I could do something about 100+ year old oak trees. That is really a shame.
I've got to tell you, thought, that i can't guarantee the cuttings will survive the trip in the heat you have. I just got some cuttings from someone else and they were crispy critters by the time they got to me, even though they were packed well. If you want to take the chance, dmail me. The cheapest priority mail rate from me to you should do it. My zip is 98498.

Augusta, GA

I just saw Raspberry Parfait Hydrangea on Michigan Bulb cagalog (fall 2006) and fell in love. Does anyone out there have one of these big enough to prune this year?

West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

Dee and Julie, I have a huge Nikko Blue I was thinking of taking cuttings from, if you are interested. My others are little ones just planted this spring. I've never propagated hydrangeas before, so it will be my first attempt. If you have any tips on the best way to do it, I'd be much obliged. I'm in zone 6a.
Beverly in NJ

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

Deb, the Ayesha that I have is one rounded globe of flowers that are cupped but they are all the same color, maybe just varying shades. Mine is a lavender color. Of course your soil ph would impact the color. Jenny

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

BTW, here is a great article on propagating hydrangeas: http://nantuckethydrangea.com/propagation.html

- Brent

Ocean Springs, MS

Bbinnj, thanks so much for the offer. I'd recommend using the link above for doing the cuttings. Thanks, julie

Augusta, GA

thanks for the link. It's great!! The pics really help.--Deb

West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

Well I've already got the peat moss and the mason's sand, just need to pick up some root hormone and the little plastic pots and I'm set to try propagating my Nikko Blue, which at this point is threatening to take over a walkway, so might as well get new plants from the pruning. Wish me luck!

Augusta, GA

LUCK! (good of course) ;o)

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