disappointed with sparkle strawberries

Brooklyn, NY

I grew strawberries for the first time 2 years ago. I planted the sparkle variety because I was told it had excellent flavor. I had my first crop this year, and while the plants were very productive, especially given that my yard doesnt get a huge amount of sunlight and by necessity and I had to cram the plants too close together, the flavor was very mediocre and the texture was extremely mushy (granted it has rained non-stop for the last 5 days). I am going to dig them up and replace them with raritan- another berry I have been told has excellent flavor and far better texture.

Has anyone grown raritan strawberries?

Baltimore, MD

I was enjoying some thoroughly delicious Sparkles this evening. Yum! They are incredibly sweet, almost like candy. I have them spaced out and it has not rained for 5+ days and they are also getting lots of sun. Many of the older varieties such as Sparkle do not hold up as well when it rains. I don't know about Raritan.


Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

I kind of keep looking for that super tasting...melt in your mouth strawberry flavor. I have tried many varieties. I am about to conclude that any variety can be good sometimes and any variety somewhat disappointing at times.

For example...they are all great when you read the descriptions. Now I tried some Cavendish. My sister said that they got some locally and really liked them. Mine... they were large and hard and would not fully ripen before spoilage. Sparkle...a few berries were great, but not enough good and pickable ones. I did like Allstar at one time. Honeoye are so large and beautiful , but have little flavor until the later and smaller ones come on and then they atr really good. These Honeoye keep bearing for a long time. I could go on...

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

What do you all think about Earliglow? I've grown them for a couple of years and the flavor has been really good both years. This year they weren't as sweet as they were last year but the flavor was still very good. I kind of wonder if this past year was just an off year for strawberries in this area because my Mom bought several different kinds of local berries and thought the flavor was awful.

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Earliglow can be pretty good. I have about 8 varieties.....some of them are just a few plants. The best bearers I have ever had are Honeoye and Jewel. The more I know about strawberries it seems that the less certain I am that any one is the best. ..... LOL

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