Engineering 101

Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

It is hard for me to stand up for long periods of time while I fertilize my gardens with Miracle Grow or other water based fertilizers. Additionally, with this clay soil, the water/fertilizer tends to run off the soil so unless I cut down some planters and bury them around the plants to create a ring that prevents run off, most of the fertilizer goes into the surrounding area. I don't really want to put the rings down because then when we get heavy rains, it will cause the plants to rot. With this soil you really need a slow, steady delivery for water and wet fertilizers. Back when I had my other yard, I had the same problem with standing while I put down Miracle Grow...but with the sandy soil I didn't have the run off problem...back then I kept thinking that if I could just come up with a way to work the sprayer into the sprinkler I'd have it made...but back then there wasn't a way to do it. Well, now they make the Miracle Grow sprayer so you can screw the end off of it. I attached the sprinkler to the spray end, then put the whole thing up on a couple of buckets (which my five house cats were only too happy to contribute!) so it was elevated to allow for the sprayer to remain upright, set the whole thing on slow delivery and Voila! A 'turn-key' fertilizer, sprinkler system.

Thumbnail by BamaBelle
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Good idea! I had a similar issue with fertilizing tomatoes and a friend turned me on to a great method. 1/2 gallon milk cartons with a hole punched in the bottom (on the side that faces the plant) can be burried next to each plant with the top exposed. Then when fertilizing just fill each carton and the fertilizer slowly goes directly to the plant.

Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

Cool idea...but just digging a hole to bury the milk jugs would be tough in this soil. It takes a lot of water to dig a hole because the clay gets hard as fact, that is kind of what it brick baked hard by the hot sun....

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