do zinnias cross pollinate?

Belleville, IL(Zone 6a)

I am posting this in annuals also bcuz i don't know where it would be best to ask.
I am planting about 10 different kinds of zinnias and i don't want to buy plants again next year. so i want to save my seeds. If i plant them in the same bed or in diffrent beds close to one another. will they cross pollinate and if they do then my seeds will not be true. is this correct? and if i plant them away from each other how far do they have to be so they do not cross pollinate?

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

If you're planting named variety zinnias, then they are hybrids and will revert back to the parent plants in the next generation..(your saved seeds) It can't be's just genetics.

If they're open pollinated varieties, then you should get mostly the same plants...but as the pollen is insect borne, you'll have variations simply because the bees will carry it around.

Check the thread on the pumpkins here on this forum...same thing pretty much applies.

Zinnias are a great plant and you'll get lots of seeds, but I don't think any distance will prevent the bee crosses...(even your neighbors plants will be a factor)

You should get some interesting offspring though.

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

If you plant patches of single color open pollinated varieties in different areas of the yard, you should get lots of seeds that will bloom mostly true. Actually, I've never really noticed any variations.

Belleville, IL(Zone 6a)

Some of the zinnias I am growing are Cactus Flower Giant Fantasy, California Giant Mix, Cut and Come Again, Persian Carpet, Thumbellina Mix, White Star, Peppermint Stick, Profusion Fire, Zowie, Swizzle. So do you think If I save the seeds they will be true? Or am I just out of luck and need to buy the seeds again?

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Most of those are hybrids and won't come true from saved seeds. But you will get some interesting offspring.....and some may have characteristics of the parent. If you want exactly the saame look next year, you'll have to buy more seeds.

The California, Thumbellina and the cut & come again will be your closest to this year's plants..all bets are off on the rest.

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

You buy seeds from a catalog that lists which ones are open pollinated. Some of the ones I know about are Stokes Seed, Seed Savers, Select Seeds, Johnny's Selected Seeds, and Seeds of Change. Sometimes they are called "heirloom" seeds.

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