How do I harvest these?

I'm am new to this WONDERFUL site and also a novice but learning. I'm deadheading marigolds likes crazy but could harvest the following if I knew how or where the seeds are in the pod: Shasta Daisy, geranium, zinnias, cosmos, gerbera daisy, monarda, yarrow. I have several others too but these are the only ones I'm deadheading right now. Thank you to all you great teachers. I'm learning so much - vic

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)


Welcome to DG. You might want to post this in Seed Saving forum for maximum exposure.


Thank You Jerrie, I'll do that right now. Too bad I can't cut and paste it over to there. Unfortunately, I'm about as bright in technology as I am in flowers. Thanks again for the advice - vic

Geranium's here:

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Vic there's a post about monarda here Mary wrote a helpful entry in the plant data base about flowers belonging to the daisy family.

Dear Mary and Poppysue, thank you so much for all the help. I really appreciate it. I'll let you know how it goes. vic

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Sharon (SMSpear1) has done a nice job on her site adding pictures of seeds that help too.

What a great site poppysue. Thanks, Already I have learned so much. I really appreciate all your help. Mary's hyperlink on geraniums blew me away. I ran out and looked at my geraniums and had no idea that the seeds were where they were. Thanks again - vic

Geneseo, IL(Zone 5a)

zinnias, how do you tell what is seed?? It looks just like dead flower petals?? I had good luck finding moss ross seed, was fun like finding a treasure. can anyone help me?? thanks

Florence, AL(Zone 7a)

The zinnia seed is the little dark, pointed thing at the base of the petal---looks kind of like an arrowhead.

Geneseo, IL(Zone 5a)

thanks so much.. Ihave dryingIhope in the basement.. How about Dahlias.. I kept the bulbs last year and they are beautiful this year.. Are there seeds on the bottom of there petal also.. again thanks

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