Moro Blood Orange w/ Yellow Spots on Leaves??

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I just purchased via mail a lovely Moro Blood Orange from Four Winds. (I purchased three other citrus, all of which look perfect). I unpacked the Moro last week in the evening when I returned from work, and it looked fine (but remember, it was evening). I planted it immediately in a container. The next day (or perhaps two days later) I noticed that all of its beautiful leaves have light yellow circles, or spots, all over them. The leaves feel smooth, and it doesn't appear to be insect related. The tree doesn't look unhealthy yet, but the spots are numerous and worrying. Are blood oranges supposed to look that way? Is something wrong? I planted it in a soil mixture that was 1/3 to 1/2 cedar chips, the rest potting soil. I added one Lutz citrus food tablet beneath the root ball. I watered it heavily since it had just been potted, and it is still damp. The tree is in partial shade until I know it won't burn (it's been 93degrees F this week). So, what's the problem? I am not a digital photo whiz, but I can try to post a photo if anyone wants to see the problem. All thoughts appreciated, thank you!

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Please post a close up of the leaves,.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Well, I finally got smart and called the nursery that I purchased the moro orange from. Seems the nursery sprayed the leaves with a soap insecticidal spray during a hot/dry period and it is just now becoming visible. They promised no lasting harm, and that it would fade. I am going to spray the leaves with a chelated spray next week, unless someone thinks that's a bad idea. I'll also try to remember to take a picture soon and post it, in case the nursery is wrong and you guys can identify the problem. Been working late, and no point taking a picture at night that won't show the problem. Thanks!

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

FYI, the spots are NOT fading. Here's a picture. I plan to spray with a chelate spray next week to see if it will help. Thanks for any advice.

Thumbnail by lawyergardener
Fulton, MO

Hi Lawyer,

Four Winds is supposed to be a good source for citrus, so I suspect that they know of what they speak.

The pattern of the spots does not seem to be associated with the veination pattern in the leaves. That leads me to believe that it is not a nutritional deficiency, but more likely an exposure such as the nursery mentioned.

Keep us posted.


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