Ummm, Broken tip question, again...

Fox River Valley Are, WI(Zone 5a)

I know, I know I should have learned from others and I even told myself I was not going to go mucking about my lily planting holes because of lack of patience :*( I could not resist the temptation to see where my Conca d' Or' was up to. I thought I was softly rubbing the dirt away, when I heard a "snap"! eek.
So here is the situation, the lily was about an inch from the surface and the very tip broke about 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch down. Place your bets.
Recently another lily tip got bit off by a rabbit but the leaf layers had already differentiated and it didn't get the whole tip, so that one I may get blooms yet.

Thoughts welcome...
intercessor :*(

Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)


LOL - sorry, not laughing at your plight but at the fact that I have done that several times to see "what things were up to" below the surface. I have since trained myself to stop doing that. It is hard to tell at this point what has happened to your lily. If you chipped off as small of a piece as you say you did, you might be OK, but lilies are pretty fragile when they first come up and breaking off stems/sprouts is all too easy to do. I ran over one in my side yard this year that started to come up with the lawnmower, and noticed what I'd done when I saw the sheared off cross-section. I thought I had gotten only the tip, but the thing did not produce any buds this year. Hopefully you didn't hit the buds, but only time will tell. In my past, I usually made it easy and whacked several inches off with my careless digging to "see what was going on" :-) Good luck!

This message was edited May 29, 2006 11:57 AM

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