Late planting help...............

Hutto, TX

My onion patch is now vacant.............I have picked all of my beautiful, and delicious now I have a empty 8' X 12' plot to plant something..........I would like to plant peppers Jalapeno varieties, not bell, or bannana varieties.............. I thought I planted jalapeno's, but the plants were mis labeled, and they are bell peppers...doing well, but not too crazy about bell peppers............Is it too late to plant peppers, or any suggestions as to what I might plant instead............I don't think it is too late for okra, but is that my only choice????.......Herbs would be O.K. .........what herbs??? Help...Help.....I don't lke good soil to go to waste........

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Its not too late for jalapenos in Texas or any other pepper. Get transplants in the ground by July 1st--your area.

I hate okra any way but no opinion there other than I wouldn't waste valuable space on

Basil can handle the heat and works good for me if I just want to fill in space for like a month or so. You never mind yanking them to make way for more plants--think pesto.

I'd keep the bells if producing well--can always easily dice and freeze them for stuff. Easier to deal with than tomatoes and cucumbers in my opnion, when you get too many.

I don't really like 'bare' space beans today ('Xera').

Thumbnail by dmj1218
Hutto, TX

Thanks Debbie.............I was hoping you would hear my kentucky wonders are doin' well if I can find them in the cuks are leafy, but not many cuks to pick...............huge plants just not much squash is out of sight.....I have two varieties of zuk squash, and both are doing well.............Thanks for your help........I kinda' thought I could plant peppers, but I needed to hear it from the expert..........What about melons????

Hutto, TX

Oh, and BTW the basil seeds are coming up................I promise I am taking really good care of them.................Brandy is fat, and goofy....Birth day is really close........I predict next Sunday..............I will be a grandpa'.................Yikes!!!.......being old sucks!!!

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Seeds of melon now--won't have to water them much once they get going--that's a plus.

Pole beans doing well here to, that was the last of my spring bush beans.

Same with cukes for me--big healthy plants--had a hard time with early cukes this year; weather just not right. Have 2 varieties growing now--gonna try some more this week.


PS--being old might be OK but getting there really does

This message was edited May 28, 2006 12:31 PM

Hutto, TX I must admit I enjoyed getting there........being there sucks......

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