clematis help

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

How do you take cuttings for clematis? Are they all the same or seperate, ways to propagate.
I am on break, so am unable to research through all threads and am unable to find threads/posts that explain the process.

Can anyone help?


(Zone 4a)

You can Google for The Clematis Society, which site will give you
great information.

I take a cutting with a node at the end, carefully snip off any
side leaves (leaving the top two), dust the node end with
hormore powder, then insert into moist, sterile mix.

Cover the pot with a plastic bag. When moisture collects
in the bag, wipe out or invert the bag.

If you presoak the sterile medium you should not have to water
the pot for some time. Keep it moist, not wet!

And, don't be discouraged if the first ones fail. Some Clematis
do not root easily, some do. C. tanguitica is easy to root, as is
C. Nelly Moser.

C, Lady Brydon roots in water!

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