Pineapple sage recipe to share.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Pineapple Sage Pound Cake Recipe
This is a recipe for the home gardener, as I have not seen pineapple sage fresh and blooming in the grocery store. But if you grow the plant this is the recipe to show off your talents. The bright red flowers add that bit of wow to this cake!

1 cup butter, at room temperature
1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup honey
5 eggs
2 tablespoons chopped pineapple sage leaves (the small, new leaves are best)
3 tablespoons coarsely chopped pineapple sage flowers, if available
1 teaspoon grated lemons, rind of
4 tablespoons well drained crushed pineapple
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 cups flour

Makes 1 loaf or 4 miniature loafs

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
Grease and flour four miniature loaf pans*.
Cream the butter and sugar until very light and fluffy.
Beat in the honey.
Add the eggs one at a time, making sure to beat for one minute after each addition.
Beat in the sage leaves, flowers, lemon peel, and crushed pineapple.
Stir the dry ingredients together and add to the butter mixture.
Fold these together gently, until just blended.
Pour into loaf pans.
Bake for approximately 45 minutes ( time for 1 loaf), or until golden brown (wooden pick inserted into center will come out clean).


Norfolk, VA

Thank you for this recipe, I was glad to stumble on it. I had no idea what to do with this herb! If you have any other recipes or suggestions, please add them!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

It sounds SO good. So glad you mentioned using the new leaves. Even with basil the new leaves are the best ever.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)


Would you happen to have any starts of your pineapple sage you would be willing to share.

I don't have a lot but you could look on my have list to see if there is anything you want. I'm also giving away purple wandering jew starts so they don't freeze to death in a couple months.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I included this recipe in a recent article about edible landscaping with sages!

Crit, LadyG has been fighting a renewed battle with cancer this year, so she hasn't been doing much gardening or plant sharing/trading.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks critter

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Cris, I am fairly new to the mid Atlantic Forum.

I have been checking the Hanging in There thread and religiously praying to see a post from you.

Being fairly new I was reluctant to ask questions about you .... so I did some back tracking to discover your battle.

You have been included in my daily prayers.

I would have been happy if you only said BOO. Instead, you chose to share that wonderful recipe.

Thank you ..... very .... berry ..... much!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Mary, LadyG posted that recipe several years ago. I've been following along with the "Hanging in there" thread also and praying that we'll hear something from her soon... it has been a while since she's been able to post. Chris is a special lady, funny and kind, and a good friend... thank you for keeping her in your prayers.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hello, I'm back. Thanks Critter for fielding a response, I am glad the recipe is still alive and hope more folks try it, it is hard finding a recipe that uses this wonderful herb.
Crit, I have not done much with gardening this year but the weeds did fine without my intervention LOL

Mary, welcome to DG and if you have any questions for me don't hesitate to ask. I believe knowledge is power and if what I have been going through helps another person then that is a gift worth sharing.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

What great news this is Ladyg. Even though I never met you I had the pleasure of growing on a coleus cutting from you given to me by Sallyg at the spring plant swap! Every time I saw that coleus I'd think of you and how wonderful that what you passed on kept going round.

So glad you are back!


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi Judy and welcome to DG. Sally is a great gal. Glad you have one of my coleus. They are fun to grow and an easy plant to add color and plants to your garden.

Falls Church, VA

Pineapple sage is one of my favorite plants for hummingbirds. And I LOVE the way it smells!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

My PS blooms so late that my hummers are gone. Then the frost comes along. When it blooms I try to pick the flowers to make my bread. You really don't need the flowers but they add flakes of red to the bread and it is quite pretty.
I found a micro climate where my plant has survived 2 winters. It is slow to emerge in spring and it is quite a surprise when it finally shows up.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

I think in the many years that I've grown Pineapple Sage, only ONE year did it bloom before the hummers left. We have a joke around here that when it does bloom, that means all the hummers are gone for the year - even the migratory ones. I bought one some years ago that was in bloom early in the season (May or June), thinking that it might continue and be available for the hummers. Nope - what was budded out bloomed, then nada until almost October! I still love it though and always have some in the garden.

My current one has overwintered for 3 years now - if it comes back next year, it will be my new personal best!

Chris, thanks for the tips about saving the flowers for the bread too! SO glad you're feeling up to posting again!

This message was edited Nov 3, 2010 9:59 PM

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

It's good to be back!

I wonder if PS sets blooms when the days start to get short, like mums do. Or maybe it's the cooler nights?

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

I think you're on the right track, Chris, about when PS sets blooms. Could be either, I guess. I have always had the same experience with moonflower vines - and it was explained to me that it was hours of daylight.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Moon flowers, I could get them to bloom when I was a kid in Pittsburgh but up here, near the Lake, it's a no go.
We had a hard frost already and all my annuals are black. Time to pull them all out.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Yeah, mine are fading fast now, even though we haven't had a serious frost down here yet. I just wish there was some way to trick them into starting to bloom in, perhaps, July! ;-)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

We were suppose to get a freeze last night, but my thermometer says 39, but the temp could drop in the next 2 hours. Had to work late last night and didn't get home until 7:30 pm and it was too dark to go out and cover. Suppose to get down to the upper 20's tonight, so I will definately be going out to cover up tonight. Going to be back up in the 50's at night next week, so hate to bring everything in yet.

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