First Lily in 7 years!

Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

Seven years ago I pulled up stakes and left my home and hubby and ran away to the Big City. Well, I finally made it back to the south and now have 1/3 of an acre to call my own! I planted a little of this and a little of that....and I've got several Asian lilies up. Almost all of them are covered with buds...but today was the first day that one of them bloomed. The Asians I had 7 years ago were the pink and white....don't know the name...they came in a bulb assortment my mom gave me. When she saw how beautiful the flower was she said if she'd had any idea it would be so beautiful, she never would have given it to me. Ouch! So, when I started my garden this year, my sis brought me a bunch of mixed bulb of Asians, a couple of galdiola packages in various colors, some calla lilies, some Gloriosa lilies, etc. Anyway, here is the first of the Aisan lily mix. It has a twiun taht will be open tomorrow. Now I can't wait for al the other Asians to bloom!

Thumbnail by BamaBelle
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

They are fun, aren't they? Glad you have some lilies again. :)

Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

I love lilies of almost any kind. Easter lilies are a little bland for my taste. Hopefully some of the flowers in this mix will be the pink and white taht I had before. They were stunning!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I love that creamy shade of orange. I sure wished lilies bloomed a little longer and I'd give them more room in my garden. I did read of one lily that reblooms.


Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

Hmmm....that sounds interesting!

I saw some lilies in a garden on my way to my cousin's last week that I had seen pictures of on the web somewhere. They were HUGE! They were several feet tall and the flower was sort of flame colored...started out whitish towards the bottom, then turned orange then red at the top. The flower was on a tall stalk which came up out of a leafy plant, similar to a daylily. The colors were almost identical to Red Hot Pokers...but instead of being multiple flowers making up the bloom, it looked like one flower. The house had a whole clump of them growing togehter. If I were able to drive out there by myself, I'd stop at he house and ask them about the plant...I'll try to remember to take my camera when I go over that way Monday...maybe I can at least snap a photo and see if someone can ID it for me.

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