Pecan Tree

Williamson, GA

What is wrong with my pecan tree?

Thumbnail by JSnyder607
Hopkinsville, KY(Zone 6b)

The gall-like bumps are the result of pecan phylloxera infestation. The eaten leaves are probably the result of some caterpillar consuming them - forest tent caterpillar is a common problem on mine, but there are others that might bet the culprit.

Atmore, AL(Zone 8b)

I have these same bumps on mine. When I tear them open I can see very tiny little flies and sometimes a maggot looking thing. I asked this question in the tree forum but nobody knew what it was.

Hopkinsville, KY(Zone 6b)

Here's an article on Pecan Phylloxera.
And another one on various pecan pests/diseases, including PP:

I guess I'd forgotten about there being three species of phylloxera; I most frequently encounter damage compatible with the 'leaf' phylloxera types, but thinking back on it, I frequently saw PP lesions on shoots on the old Mahan trees in the yard back home in AL.

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