Newbie to this site, but would like to share my pics

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Your home and gardens are magnificent and your use of irises in your landscape is absolutely delightful. It gives me something to aim for.

(Zone 7b)

Every time I thought there couldn't be another one as nice as ____,
I'd scroll down and find something like Epicenter!
Gorgeous pictures, I loved the one of the front of your home.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I'm impressed! Your gardens are so neat and orderly. All your Iris are beautiful. I think Syncopation is my favorite. Welcome to DG. You won't feel like a nut at all once you get to know us. All of us "Nuts" make the others feel normal.


Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

JD love all your iris pictures. Thanks for sharing and welcome to DG. I'm a newbie too and love all the landscaping pictures.


Lebanon, OR

Great pictures and thank you for sharing.


Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Whew. Now that my keyboard's dried up (from all the drool), I can type enough to tell you that they are all beautiful. How did I ever miss this thread the first time through. Welcome to DG JD!


Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks for sharing your photos. Love the unknown ID.

Hebron, KY


I love your Candy Apple Classic and Syncopation Irises! I'm drooling and can't wait to get them in my yard next year. Where did you buy them from?

All your Irises are beautiful! Thanks for sharing your photos!


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I loved these Iris pictures in May when I first saw them. Now that it is January and I haven't seen a growing flower in months and won't see any more for a couple more months, I love them a whole lot more. Thanks for cheering me up in mid-winter.

St Joseph, IL(Zone 5b)

I needed this too. Enjoyed very much. Loved Epicenter that a Ghio? And is that a swimming pool in amongst all that beauty? Cool.

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Epicenter is a Joe Ghio Introduction. One of my favorites too.


Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Great Job
thanks for sharing

St Joseph, IL(Zone 5b)

Joe Ghio was so kind last fall...I had ordered several of his 2004 intros and he sent me 5 bonus plants. I thought one of them was Epicenter, but looking over my records it wasn't there. Maybe this year. :)

Doylestown, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, I also like to see clumps of a cultivar in addition to the closeup. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed very much.

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