Campbell Valencia Orange

Tri-Cities, WA(Zone 7b)

Over the years this has been one of the hardiest of all of my citrus trees. I always look forward to the wonderful blossoms and beautiful fragrance in the spring. In past years it has given me oranges as well, but this year I have no other citrus blooming, and there's not a lot of citrus in the area for some reason. :)

Will this orange require another tree to set fruit? It is a beautiful tree even if I have no fruit from it, but it's always nice to eat the fruit my own trees.

Thumbnail by tropicalaria
Fulton, MO

My reading leads me to believe that the Valencia can set seedless fruit when it is not pollinated, but that production is greater if cross pollenization occurs.

Tremendous vegetative growth but no blooms on my Valencia this spring. It's my first season with this orange. Do you see any blooms sporadically throught the year?

Tri-Cities, WA(Zone 7b)

I don't recall ever having seedless fruit on this one, but it may just be that I always had a pollinater before. I will watch and see.

I have, on occasion seen sporadic blooming on it, but I haven't set fruit except in the spring (which is good, since I don't think I could ripen fruit set any other time). It seems to bloom more after stress, which it gets a lot of here in zone 7. You can see all of the new leaves growing around these buds.

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