Well Now I Know

Cambria, CA(Zone 10a)

I moved into this house in August of last year. There were a few boxes of gardening supplements in the shed that were left behind. One was a fungicide. And I was wondering what they had to use that on. Well, I guess I found out. Last summer these trees (there are two of them) didn't look like this. Looks like I might need to get that fungicide out when the leaves die back. Man this is ugly, isn't it?

Thumbnail by stellapathic
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)


I'd call the local county extension agent and get advice.

Cambria, CA(Zone 10a)

You would? I just assumed it was peach tree curl and read up on the ways to fight it, which include the fungicide either after the leaves have dropped or before buds have formed. Everyone said there was nothing you could do once the leaves have formed. Do you think it's something other than that? If it is there's a guy at the arboretum at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo who's been pretty helpful. I was planning on taking a sample of the small tree that I've been trying to identify since I moved here. I think we've got it down to prunus but haven't found an exact match yet. I guess while typing this I've decided I may as well take a sample of this too, while I'm at it and see what he has to say.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Sounds like a plan! Are you enjoying your new house? I followed earlier threads.

Cambria, CA(Zone 10a)

I, too, have followed your threads and bet you're pretty excited about your new place. Well, I haven't actually seen any of your posts in the past few days. Hope the place and all that glorious land will be yours. If there's still a relatively untouched coastal paradise in California, this is it. I'm having so much fun in this garden. All kinds of new things have popped up over the winter and I spend as much time as possible adding my own touches. I missed gardening more than you can imagine while living for 19 years with only a deck and a few (though my neighbors surely wouldn't count them as 'few') potted plants. Those plants came up with me and are thriving plus I've been able to grow things that the extreme So Cal heat wouldn't allow. We're having a late season storm today and the rain is pounding down on the skylight as I type. The plants are doing the ChaCha to the rhythm. OK, I need to get started on my work here.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

My daughter's best friend had something on her peach tree that looks exactly like that. I think it is curl, but I am not at all familiar with it, so someone else will have to chime in...

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