Cranberries In the South

Barnesville, GA

Many thanks to Pete and Sarah who helped me to understand a while back what are REAL cranberries vs. "Cranberry" bushes.

I hope no one minds if I place another cranberry question as a new thread.

Has anyone on the list grown cranberries in the South? Even if someone tried and was unsuccessful, I'd sure appreciate any info -- so we'd know whether to invest the money and labor into attempting this.


Baltimore, MD

Do you mean the real ones? They really dislike heat so forget it. I am growing about 30 different sorts of fruit and my only real failure was cranberries. I tried three different batches of plants before giving up. I tried 6 hours morning sun (protecting from hot afternoon sun) -- failure. I tried shady areas -- failure. The one option I did not try was a place with ~3 hours morning sun; I had run out of steam, but it would have been worth trying.

Barnesville, GA


Thanks SO much for letting me know your cranberry experiences. After reading your info, if we decide to go ahead with this -- we will do so on a limited, experimental basis with LOW expectations...just a couple of plants and not a heavy investment and will try somewhere with lmited morning sun, but not in the shade.

Very kind of you to take the time to share your experiences.



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