RE: Cleaning of Phoenix Carariensis seeds

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9b)

For three years I have driven past these trees, looking at the inacessable fruit in the canopy. Rescently, the city pruned the trees, and among the fronds were branches covered with seeds. Now I have two branches covered with seeds rangeing in color form green to a burnt orange. With some research I have learned that the seeds need to be over ripe(dark orange) to be viable. Now my question is regarding cleaning for storing/planting. Should I let them dry first? should I peel them now? If peeling is the right way to go, how much do I take off? I experamented with a couple, peeling them completely. They look like Sugar Smacks Cereal (the one with the frog). Now uncertanty has taken hold and I come to you for help. Any info would be helpfull.

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