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Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok fine but let me suggest that when I am screaming NO!!!!!!!!!! at the top of my lungs those french candienes understand plenty good! LOL. (actually written and spoken are not quite the same)

Ok don't ever send me any site, no matter how much I beg that has anything to do w/ spores. They are just not my thing! and agree, please keep those balloon pointed the other way!

Cincinnati, OH

I thught the French did not pronounce the last letter or two. 'Non' wothout the last letter is...

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

hence my comment

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

Spores? Molds? Come on! Other than ferns reproducing my mum never mentioned either one without the word Clorox being in the same sentence.

Speaking of setteling down in dog years, it took eleven years for our dearly departed English Pointer Rocky to even sit down without being told. He had one speed: Whooooooooope!

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

I pretty much have to agree w/ you about clorox and mold- i know that if I let mold grow in my shower many complaints would be coming my way and if my mom saw mold growing in my shower she'd be asking if anything she taught me stuck!

Funny how some dogs are like that. Some have that sort of rep but I don't recall hearing that so much about English Pointers, but then don't really know folks that had them- are they known for being...hmm how shall I say it w/ tact...gragarious (did I spell it wrong?)?

Oh my! "clorox and mold"! Horrors! Obviously, I am one of the select few in this thread with extremely discriminating tastes.

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

According to the vet Rocky was about average with his activity level for the breed. I can't imagine a dog at the upper end I'll tell you! Pointers are bred to work the fields and point birds. They need that energy to perform. Rocky had two failings that made him a candidate for the big field in the sky according to the breeder we got him from. One, his confirmation was poor. He had a badly overshot jaw. Or was it undershot? Dont recall exactly but he looked ok, just not good for show. But the real problem was he was gun shy. Shoot a gun anywhere near him and he was back in the car before the shell ejected. Not a real good trait for a gun dog. So the breeder just wanted him gone. We took him. He was terribly smart. He breezed through obedience classes even with his hyperactivity. He knew what you wanted just by looking at him. My kids grew up with him and he gave them such good companionship, not to mention entertainment. Like the time he ate five pounds of band candy, aluminum wrapper and all, left in a box on a bed. He didn't get sick at all but the back yard just twinkled and sparkled with aluminum foil. He had an appetite that matched his activity level. His ashes are in an urn in the living room. He is in our hearts forever.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Sounds like you guys had one heck of a dog!

Lauren, you are a dear sweet person and you are amongst the most discriminating I know. Perhaps that is why I love you so much- I am not laughing at you, really.

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

Honestly Lauren, Is there no end to your knowledge, talents and interests? Given that though, the words taste and mold don't somehow seem right together. You never fail to expand my knowledge base but this is one area I don't think I gonna get into. Pass the disinfectant.

Good for you Aprilbaby, now come and visit me! Pixie and me had a blast when she was here. You should see the dance she can do when her discriminating tastes kick into hyperdrive. I should have taken a photo of her little cute dance.

Here's what has gone on with our new dog for anyone who wants a good laugh.


Update, This morning I woke up to an angel sleeping peacefully in his crate. No destruction over night. Early in the morning, the FedEx man came. While I was out sending an Oak sapling home with my FedEx man that his wife wanted for her backyard; Twinkletoes destroyed the x-rays of my hand and fingers that I needed to take back to another surgeon next Wednesday, ate an entire box of HoHos, chewed up the light weight jacket I had been wearing and had carelessly flung over the back of a chair, shredded yet another roll of paper towels, and was all settled in ready to chew on another chair leg when I came in. All of that in about 10 minutes flat! That's a record! Today I took him in to our vet for a re-check and he "christened" their entire office and got bit in the face by an Italian Greyhound while the owner was bragging about how wonderful her dog was with other dogs. Talk about bad timing for her. My dog looked down at that little dog as if it was a mosquito bite. Three cheers for non aggressive dogs!

My new dog, unlike snapple's Rocky... is not incredibly smart. My dog has no comfirmation and no AKC papers (he ate them) and is a doggie obedience school flunkie so we're going to put him in classes again in a few weeks. Our new dog has not gotten into any candy in foil but he did find a Fisher Price Little People and ate that. How do I know this you ask? Because the Fisher Price Little People Figurine was looking up at me from a pile of poop. I'm still trying to locate the rabies tag that Twinkletoe ate two days ago and was sort of hoping it would "pass" through him but so far everthing is passing through him except the rabies tag.

I guess if I ever do find that rabies tag, I'll have to have snapple pass me the disinfectant!

Everybody all at once now- "Save the mold, disinfect rabies tags instead".

Cincinnati, OH

Eleven years if pretty good for a dog on food made from condemned and DENATURED meat and moldy grain. I lost one last week. He was old enough to drive. Still have his sister. I used to write for a couple of magazines. Researching dog food ingredients in the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) did not make me happy.

Try Iams, it's a human consumptionable grade of chicken. No beaks, entrails, pulverized chicken feet, or any other ickies in it. One of the lessers of the evils out there or else start cooking honey!

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Once wrong w/ beaks & feet? Ickies, this from the spore maven? LOL- only kidding.

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

Equil, Did you try running a metal detector over his tummy? Just a thought.

UUallace: Is there any really decent commercially prepared dog food? I still have dogs (4). Sorry about your loss. The oldest dog I ever had was 18. Now that was a dumb dog. He only ever learned one thing, to come when he was called. Anything else was was just too tough but he always tried his best. Skipper's only natural talent was climbing a chain link fence and walking along the top pipe right up to the startled face of the gas company meter reader. We got quite a few estimated bills while we had that dog.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

WOW maybe Skipper was dumb, but dang that is one amazing talent! Heck I can't do that!

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

Skipper would not do it on command. He didn't even climb the fence to run or get out, just greet people. I think he was too dumb to know he could leave! Strangers, however had a totally different take on the situation. Putting one foot in front of the other on a skinny pipe is one thing, managing four is something else all together. He did it with ease. I have some old pictures somewhere. This was back in the days of film. The chain link was only on one side of the yard (it was the neighbors fence). Often he was jumping down by the time I could get out there with camera. He quit when his hips got stiff with arthritis. His ashes are in an urn too. He laid down on the back deck one day in the sunshine and just went unconscious. We rushed him to the vet when we realized he wasn't just napping and he was euthanized. He never woke up. The vet said she thought he'd had stroke. I wish they all could go like that.

I'm not UUallace but the answer to this, "any really decent commercially prepared dog food?" is no. There are lessers of the evil in my humble opinion. Nature's Recipe Lamb and Rice and Iams Original Formula.

Cincinnati, OH

When I was writing edible corn was 3 1/2 cents per pound. Cooking can destroy some toxins and can't destroy others. Dogs have some tolerance for vomitoxins from moldy grain, some have crossed the line:

The predominant ingredient allows [denatured] lamb meal to include cats and dogs. It is a crime to transport condemned meat that has not been denatured.

Carbolic acid & phenol are used interchangeably, this is the MSDS:

There are tuly bizzare quirks in the laws. In Michigan camelids. except camels, must be denatured.
If there isn't enough all animals euthanized must be with sodium pentobarbitol manufactured by Seigfreid Ltd. It allegedly is not a monopoly as it is sold in different forms, under different brand names. In New Zealand it was proven that a large cat was kill by the residual sodium pentobarbitol in catfood.

Crude Carbolic Acid is 58 - 65% phenol. The remainder is xylene, toluene and 10 to 14 different Coal Tars (a.k.a. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons or PAHs) that are soluble in the the three solvents.

Officially "Second Hand Smoke" comes from smokers. Unofficially it comes from the meat and poultry we eat.
The only dog food I know to be edible is Wellness a Canadian/Canadien brand. My dogs do not like it. I suspect their cat food is very tasty. My dogs eat parboiled rice and masoor dahl (split red lentils) 3:1 to balance the protein. Flavor comes from anything I can get cheep. I don't use lamb because the free stuff is too greasy. Chicken liver and pork liver are easiest to blend in.

Now what was the topic?
Thanks for the space for venting my frustrations.

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

I dunno, UUallace, what the topic was. Now I don't know what to do. Start cooking up the rice and lentils I guess. I feel a lot less guilty about the occaisional scrambled eggs or the leftover rice from chinese takeout with chicken broth the dogs get, that's for sure. We have been feeding Eukanuba. I can't bring myself to go get the bag and read the label now. Last year the independent guy we purchase our feed and seed from did give us a sample of a food called Wellness. I remember that the dogs wouldn't touch it. Could it have been the same? If it was it makes me want to try again.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Snapple I had a cat who died a few years ago, she'd been w/ me a long time and one night she had a stroke, one sided paralysis, it was bad, the vet put her on meds but she only made partial recovery and we were discussing putting her down, then she had another and went to sleep and stopped breathing...very sad, very hard to watch, Skpper was fortunate as well as talented.

Cincinnati, OH

About Wellness cat food. Fish meal is condemned and denatured. The menhadden meal Wellness uses is not. The Menhadden is an extremely bony and oily herring. Being inedible it does not have to be denatured. The word 'menhadden' in the Algonquin languages means ferrtilizer. We know it best as Linoleum.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

My cat had no teeth. I fed her that prescription cat food that my vet sells for a million buck and canned tuna- it smelled better and was cheaper than cat food.

Cincinnati, OH

I moved conversation to 'Home Talk' Pets forum. We were overdue.

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