Lillies for Shade?

Cumberland, RI

I was as browing lilies at American Meadows I saw that it mentions that Lilies as Sun to Shade. I've bought books, watched programs and read countless articles and websites on shade plants and never do I recall hearing about lilies! Is there a conspiracy? I love conspiracies so I hope so but I suspect that I'll be dissapointed.

Are they just slower growing, shorter and less blooms the deeper shade you go as I would expect?

This message was edited May 16, 2006 6:56 AM

Hillsdale, MI(Zone 5b)

I have several trumpet and tiger lilies in the shade they do tend to reach for the sun but are doing fine. My one tree has grown so fast this used to be a partial shade bed that has become almost full shade but I think the lilies like the extra water too.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

It IS a conspiracy ~ and they want you to grow more lilies!

lol Not really, I think they're just letting you know that lilies aren't very fussy. Mine are all growing in varying amounts of shade, but I have big, old trees so they still receive a lot of light.

You can plant them just about anywhere and the blooms last a bit longer if they have some shade, especially in the afternoon. Not sure I would recommend them for deep shade, but I wouldn't discourage it either. Some of the species prefer it.

(Zone 6a)

I've planted 2 orientals in part shade before and one rotted and the other one just kept declining over the years , so I had to move it. I do have asiatics in part shade and they do very well.


(Zone 6a)

Ooops, sorry. Double post :P

This message was edited May 16, 2006 7:35 PM

Cumberland, RI

Shade it is then! I have such little space that gets full sun I tend to horde it for plants that really require it. Thanks everyone :)

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Here's what I';ve been told. Lilies need sun to regenerate. They will grow in the shade, but as Steve experienced they will decline over time. If that's Ok with you and you don't mind replacing them periodically, go for it. Lilies will grow taller in shade because they are looking for the sun.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Black Beauty, a cross between L. henryi and L. speciosum rubrum are shade lovers and multiply well. They are also fragrant.

Cumberland, RI

I'll give it a try beaker. I have several areas that have dappled sunlight and an hour or two here and there. I'll start w/one of those areas.

Black Beauty does sound like a winner. Almost too good to be true by this account!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Mine froze off in last year's hard freeze and I figured they were toast. This year they came back up. I planted them in 2004, so I really haven't gotten to enjoy them yet. I also researched before I bought and they do sound good!

(Zone 6a)

You should also try 'Citronella' I have that in part shade and it multiplies very well. I bought a gallon pot of it 3 years ago. I think and it had 1 maybe 2 stems and now I have 6 and a whole bunch of babies coming.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Shade = martagons in my book.

Here in Winnipeg MB we are making a collection of all marties grown to date. Quite a job now that so many new hybrids are appearing.

Also @#$% deer are a problem.


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