Finally bought annuals now what do I do?

(Zone 6a)

Hehe, I wish my house was over run with plants :D I try, but my family doesn't let me get out of control. I've put most of mine outside except for a few. I'm just lovin' this summer!

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

My house sure is. It is literally a jungle in here. LOL I have about 200 cacti and succulents, a few houseplants, about 200 african violets, and I have 100 african violet leaves down that will produce at least 300 babies. And this is the first year that I've ever grown anything outside and I'm so amazed at how pretty they are. My problem is I'm going to MI for 3 weeks and my DH will have to try to take care of them. I'm trying to make things as easy for him as possible. I love them all too and even bought two more AVs tonight. But I'm wicking all of the AVs on a dozen trays so that all he has to do is add water to the trays every few days. I hope that I don't lose many while I'm gone. I think my indoor plants will do fine. I'm just worried about the outside ones. He will probably need to water them at least once a day but I got him one of those wands that you attatch to the water hose to make it easier on him. I want to be able to enjoy my trip. I've never done anything like this before. We've been apart because of his job but I'm going to visit my adopted family. They are having a tough time right now and hopefully I can help them while having fun too. I'm 43 and never taken a trip just because I wanted to. I had a ticket that I did not use and I had to use it or I would lose it. So I'm hoping to have some fun and hoping that DH will be okay with my plants and my dog.


Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

OK, I have to jump in here for a second. Honey, someone has to tell you, You are ADDICTED! You have 200 African Violets, with maybe 300 more on the way, and you bought two more today??

I'm joking, Jesse. Seriously now, have a wonderful time, and do not give your plants a second thought. They will be just fine. This trip sounds like it is more important than the houseplants. Trust.

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, I totally agree, I am addicted. But when you are disabled and can't do much, plants are a life saver. I'm so glad that I finally found them two years ago.


Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Myself, I've never had success with AVs, but I've stated that on the AV forum. I'd love to visit a home that looked like a jungle. Green everywhere? Sounds great!

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