Informal Survey

Poland, ME

This is for people in Zone 5 or lower. I was wondering if you could name lilies that you have grown in your garden for a least three years which you would say have done well for you.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Asiatics, LAs, Trumpets, LOs, Asiapets, Orientals, Martagons, Certain Species.I tried and lost L formosanum this past winter. I have over 200 different lilies, so to list them them all would be rather tedious. Are you having a problem?

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Well I keep a list I can cut and paste. So here it is, minus a lot of species lilies in various seedling stages. Actually the formosanum I had was always too wispy and didn't stand up well. I gave it away, and now have another young one of (hopefully) different genetics.

Lilium 'Avignon'
Lilium 'Barcelona'
Lilium 'Black Beauty'
Lilium canadense
Lilium davidii wilmontii
Lilium 'Dots and Dashs'
Lilium 'Fata Morgana'
Lilium formosanum
Lilium 'Honey Bear'
Lilium 'Kathy Jan'
Lilium lankongense
Lilium leichtlinii var. maximowiczii
Lilium leucanthum
Lilium mackliniae
Lilium martagon 'Claude Shride'
Lilium martagon 'Terrace City'
Lilium martagon x tsing.'Super Tsing'
Lilium michiganense
Lilium 'Pisa'
Lilium polyphyllum
Lilium 'Purple Reign'
Lilium 'Sarabande'
Lilium 'Shirley'
Lilium 'Soiree'
Lilium speciosum var. rubrum
Lilium 'Sunday Dress'
Lilium 'Sweet Surrender'
Lilium 'Tiger Babies'
Lilium tsingtauense
Lilium x marhan

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I have had no trouble with anything but the Orientals, and I think that's my soil. As beaker_ch mentioned I am going to try peat additive.

I have found the Asiatic and LA's do not get nipped by the late frost, where the others sometimes do.

I also like to plant in spring. I have planted into June, with no problem.

What are you asking for? Specific names, or types of lilies.

I am Z5a.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Hi Mainmac,

Didn't know you were a DG subscriber. Am currently in Long Island so will send list when back in Winnipeg.

Inanda and welcome to DG

Poland, ME

I am looking for specific hybrids or species. A hybridizer friend of mine is looking for those varieites that have long survival rates and hardiness.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

To fit your 3-year or greater survival rate, I have orientals Stargazer, Pookie and trumpet African Queen.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

oriental lily - Stargazer 1996 & 1999
oriental lily - Mona Lisa 1997
oriental lily - Muscadet 1999
oriental lily - Casa Blanca 1999
Easter lily 2000
formosa lily 2001
oriental lily - Lovely Girl 2001
Black Beauty 2004
oriental lily - Acapulco 2004
oriental lily - Nippon 2004
oriental lily - Aubade 2004
oriental lily - Dizzy 2004
I too have had Stargazer die out. My fault for not adding peat. They seem less tolerant of alkaline soil. The rest do very well.
Is Trumpet Lily the correct name for formosa?

This message was edited May 14, 2006 5:33 PM

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I believe formosa is considered a species; L formosanum.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks. I like free plants, but I always want to know the name.

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

The lilies in my yard at least 3 years and indestructible are: the orienpet Anastasia, (expensive to buy but multiplies very well, has strong stems, is impervious to disease and drop dead gorgeous), White Henryi, Artistic, Coral Babies, Sorbonne, Casa Blanca, Regale, The Vamp, and the orienpet Silk Road.

This message was edited Jun 26, 2006 12:48 PM

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Any Norths I can find
All the Tangos
All the Pattersons
All the Alex Burnetts
All Martagons

Anything in the Valley K catalogue
Anything in the Lily Nook Catalogue except trumpets and ORs. These only last a few years in my garden although others have great success with them. I don't coddle.

Towering Turk
Paul Bunyan
Ariadne -increases amazingly well
Ct. King & CT> Beauty
All the pixies
LAs galore
George Slate
The Bells, Silky Bell, Firey Bell etc. do not increase well.
Compass increases well
Cote d'Azure
Sterling Star.
Most everything grows well here zone 2b
Dreamland increases well
Evening Star - about 25 blooming stems after 4 years.
Ripe Banana - doesn't increase too well.
Rose 'n Gold, 14 stems after 3 years.
Black Beauty - dip & 4N
I have too many to list really.

Keep killing White Henryii so have given up.


Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I wish I had as many as you guys do. I'm working on a bed for fall planting. I know tiger lilies can spread a virus to them, but is there any problem with putting all the others together? I'm getting Mom's Asiatics when they die down and have Orientals. I'd like them all together in a bed.

Poland, ME

The virus is transmitted by aphids. If you don't have an aphid problem, then it might help.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

This keeps coming up about the tigers. Only the heirloom tigers are a problem. Hybrid tigers are not carriers of the mosiac virus. Any lily can get the virus if aphids or other sap sucking insects visit your garden and have been previously exposed to the virus elsewhere.

If you're going to grow an heirloom tiger, it should be planted at a substantial distance from your other lilies. I believe Inanda recently said they called the orange heirloom tigers Lizzy Bordens. Aptly named.

There is no problem planting them all together as long as they have room to grow. Remember asiatics multiply more rapidly than other divisions. If it starts getting too dense, you might start to experience some problems with fungal diseases.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

I have :
Grand Cru
Monte Negro
Dot Com
Tom Pounce
Star Gazer
Black beauty
Elegant Lady
I have others but haven't had them for 3 years yet, only 2.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

My tigers are at least as old as me since they were there when my parents moved in, in 1958. I was a year old then. I don't seem to have an aphid problem, so it sounds like a lily bed for me! Thanks!

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