New to the vine

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I have recently come into the desire to have vines of all sorts in my garden. 1- for the blooms, 2- for the aroma, 3- to take up space and hide and obscure alot, 4- to keep interest in the garden, when people visit, and not look at all the behind the fence scenes. So, I started out with the purchase of moonflowers, clematis, shell plant, jasmine, (well most of what I have planted is in my journal). I bought all from seed and want to try to get them goiing. So far out of 6 jasmine, 12 clematis, 8 shell plants I have only had 1 jasmine germinate.

How long must I wait before giving up and replanting more seeds?

I don't want to wait to long, it is getting hot around here,San Antonio, Tx. and I would really like some growth before the cold of winter comes so the vines harden up and can make though the cold spell.

I so want the vines to thrive and grow and grow and grow and ...... well I think it goes without further saying.

Any Help or advice is much appreciated.


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Calvin...I have never tried growing clematis from seeds but some can take 300+ days to germinate...
You might wanna read his site..some very invaluable information there..goodluck..Jeanne

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi jeanne,

I have been watching the clematis seeds everyday. I know that it doesn't help to do this, but I cant help it. I am so excited. I give them direct sun light everyday and bring them in and cover overnight. I actually was able to see that 1 of the seeds had sprouted. I covered it up since the new root was in direct sunlight. I hope I did not burn the tender new root. Maybe a stem will shoot up in a day or two. the other seeds show no signs of germination. I will hav to wait longer.

thanks for the web site. It was helpful. I am going to use some of the info. when I plant my next batch of seeds.


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Calvin..glad you enjoyed the site...Brian is wonderful with seeds...goodluck and let me know when they germinate...Jeanne

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Do you have any friends with Clematis or perhaps someone here at DG would be willing to do some clematis root cuttings. Earlier this year Wallaby was giving advice on how to do this and I'd like to try it myself. It didn't look too difficult. I understand seed is a slow going process. I think this is the way to go. I'll look for the thread.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Here it is. Look for posts by Wallaby. You can always d-mail her if you need more info.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Took 4 months for me to germinate Texas native clematis pitcherii...and I'm real good with seeds, it needed stratification.

Moon vine must have been the seeds--they are easy to germinate. Hard to eradicate from reseeding however, so I haven't grown it in about 10 years. Just got tired of pulling them up from all over the garden.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)


I am still new to the group DG tha is. I have yet to meet fellow DGers, so I have no friends that would grow and cut from vines. I am willing to talk and trade, or simply purchase with other DGers who are willing to send me a few cuttings.

I have had 1 clematis seed germinate and has sprung out of its coffin soil bed and come to life. I will be tending to it carefully so it will grow to a beautiful vine. The other seeds appear to be doing nothing.

No experience with growing vines from seed. Totally exciting for me.


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Can anone tell me how many stems clematis shoots out. And How many wisteria shoots/branches out. I am trying to figure out how many vines I need to plant to completely cover the side of a 6 foot wide x 7 foot high fence (clematis) and a 21/2 foot diameter multi trunked tree (wisteria). Well the tree is really many trees, and is a real eyesore. I want to hide the tree trunks insted of back breaking labor of digging them out root and all.


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Calvin...clematis are the vine that is know as the "Sleep", "Creep" and then "Leap" so in essence when you read that a certain clematis mature width and height is say 4 feet wide and 12 feet tall..they are saying mature, which means it's a 3 year old vine..and this doesn't include those started from can tack on a couple of more years waiting for mature vines done that way....Clematis have a mind of their own as far as how many "New" vines will emerge with each year...for instance my Clematis "Comtesse de Bouchard" was in her second year this year and popped out about 7 vines total as well as my Clematis "Venosa Violacea" popped out even more...
If you want to cover an area that is about 6 feet wide then you want to consider planting at least 3 clematis 2 foot apart...and by all means try to stay with the same pruning group so you won't have a headache when pruning time comes...Personally for vigor and easablity I would consider pruning group 3s for your area..Hope this helps...Jeanne

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Well they say to do your homework first. After several hours of internet research I found that my clematis is not a true climber and reaches an approx. 3 ft. height. I actually feel happy about that. It will give me a chance to have some container exhibitions.

Now, I am on a search for some climbers.

thanks so much for the info. guys.


Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Ah, must be an integraflora. I'm not sure how good those would be in a pot. They like to sprawl.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

It is an integraflora.

Like I am learning, I really don't know anything about vines. What do you suggest. I purchased 2 seed packets, if 100% germination I will have about 40 clematis integraflora. If pots aren't good, where can I put them to add color and scenery to my garden? I am reading about the clematis here at the forums. There is so much info. to try and process. I wish I good go somewhere and see in person how my clematis will look in it's maturity.


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Calvin..yes Integrifolias are crawlers and sprawlers not climbers..alot of people plant them in shrubs and bushes etc for them to crawl through..I planted three this past spring...Odoriba, Petite Faucon and Hakuree...I planted some in front of my clematis to sprawl up and among them and in front sometimes can see them planted in peoples gardens or just their blooms at COTW (Clematis on the Web) an invaluable site for learning about clematis...pruning groups..the search part is awesome can search by color, variety, bloom time etc...Hope this helps...Jeanne

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)


Thank ou for the link. I checked it out and it is great. I will definitely research now.

Thank you..........Calvin

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