Someone stole my new bougainvillea!!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I need to vent....I worked 3rd shift last night, came home around 9:30 this morning and went out to the back patio to move my new little bougainvillea into the sun. Went to sleep, got up and went to move it again and found one of the neighbors had taken it. I'm swear I'm so mad I'm sending my bloodpressure through the roof! I live in a strange neighborhood, a mix of older homes and apartment units bordering $500,000 homes. I like my apartment and the rent is reasonable but the people they rent to are ridiculous. There are only 2 other units where people garden so I know it was one of them. I left a note where they took the plant from asking them to return it but have little hope it will be returned.

What really ticks me off is that I do share with them since I know they are "poor" and mainly garden with found items like old pots and shared plants. I had just bought the stupid boug. on eBay (spent about $11). I had been wanting one for like 8 years and finally broke down and got one even knowing I may have to treat it as an annual. I guess I'll be buying another one and putting it in a large heavy pot so they won't take it.

Thanks for listening...I'm better now = )

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Yeah, I would get the heavy pots if I had neighbors like that. And that still won't guarantee they won't dig the thing up. I would be mad too.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

It would be pretty stupid for someone in your own complex to steal a plant. But if they did, you can always steal it back. I suspect with this being Mother's Day weekend, your plant will be going to some mother somewhere. With this in mind, you might consider that the plant went to a good cause. The mother who receives this plant probably very much deserves it based on the children's behavior. Or it could be that the person is so poor, it was the only way they could come up with a present for their mother. In any event, try to think of it as one of those "God works in mysterious ways" moments and give your blood pressure a rest (and use reallly heavy pots next time).

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Good advice, always good to look on the brighter side. Good karma and all that = )
Thanks for letting me vent, I've already ordered a new one. Retail therapy at its best!

Warren, MI(Zone 5a)

I think that is really terrible that someone stole your boug. I have not had anyone steal any plants from my front or back yard, but I have had someone break my plants and tip over pots...guess they can't stand how beautiful it looks. A doctor I work with who lives in a very high-priced area here in Michigan had someone dig up some of her plants while she was at work. I once saw a woman in a shopping center with a shovel digging up some Stella d'Oro lilies from the pathetic. I know I would have been very upset if I were you as I am very possessive of my plants...they are my babies..I am glad that you bought a new plant, and as someone mentioned before this, beware as someone might dig it out of the pot if they can't move it easily. I have also had a neighbor pull/chop down morning glories from my fence. Anyone would know they were not weeds, but covering an ugly fence. Go figure. Good luck to you with your new plant.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks! I've had the broken pot problem too. The back yard is a large open area and the soccer ball has to go somewhere right?:) So the back patio rules are plastic or those foam type pots only. My worst story--planted a big metal tub full of strawberries only to find a large roaming neighborhood dog taking a dump in it. Dumped the whole pot in the dumpster:LOL:
I was reading in the iris forum where someone noticed a care idling by her front garden and a lady was telling her teenage girl which iris to pick and they hauled tail when they saw the owner headed towards them. One year I had a tomato potted up and even though the tomatoes were producing I rarely got any because the neighbors and kids took them. My next door neighbor was one of the worst always asking for my green tomatoes so she could fry them.

I feel for you and your mg's--a neighbor back home decided to "help" with my yard after my parents died and pruned my mom's favorite 20 year old yellow rose so hard we almost lost it. She chopped off all the flower buds and my brother had to stop me from going to her house and having a "chat". Bless her, I guess once you retire you have to find stuff to occupy your time:LOL:

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I woke up one morning to find all my blooming yellow iris gone. It's so disappointing when people behave this way. But, you know, it's just not worth the spent emotion getting angry about stuff like this. One of the reasons we all garden is to shut out all the craziness in the world. There's just no room for anger in a garden; at least, not mine.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Yes, I know that you're right and maybe everyone else has Zen-like composure. Me? Sorry still working through my human emotions = ) I feel like I'm allowed as long as I don't wallow, you know?
I have my first initial crabby reaction then try to settle down and get over it. This morning...still crabby...hours later...2 new plants on the way...much better = ) The funny thing is the pot wasn't labeled so they don't even have a clue what it is that they have.

San Diego, CA

I can sure relate to your frustration! When I first moved into my house 22 years ago, I went out and bought a bunch of plants for my entryway which is quite large. I had a handyman come over and make me a shadecloth cover which wasn't cheap either. I went to a garden center and bought tons of plants for hanging baskets, begonias, fuschias, and impatiens. I ended up making 24 large hanging baskets that matured into beautiful plants. I also had 4 very large ceramic pots that I had planted 6 foot tall ficus trees in. I got compliments like you wouldn't believe. One morning I got up, had my coffee, and went out to water my plants and everything was gone. I mean everything! The only things left were the hooks and the shadecloth cover was nailed to a wood frame and attached to the house, otherwise I'm sure they would have taken that too. None of the neighbors saw or heard anything. Every year since then, I've replanted the hanging baskets, have the ficus trees again, and nothing has disappeared. I still think it was the previous owner of this house, but I sure couldn't prove it. I now also have large planters in front of my house and no one has ever ripped me off.....yet!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Wow! That is ridiculous! I probably would have just keeled over from shock. I guess if we want our gardens it's just a risk we all take. I think if more people knew how much time and money is invested in plants, fertilizer and tools there would be alot more thievery going on.
I'm glad it didn't discourage you from starting all over again. I've decided to let it go as advised by the wise people here and bought TWO new boug's--one for replacement and one because I deserve it! Everyone here has such good perspective which makes it a comforting place to vent if need be.

Warren, MI(Zone 5a)

yes, I agree with dmac, I've always gotten over the stolen/broken things in my yard and it hasn't stopped me yet. Chunx's story is just absolutely unbelievable though, that one would have taken me quite a while to get over. The visual I got from the description was like heaven. Chunx, do you have any pics you can send? I'd love to see pics of anyone's garden, pots, etc. I can't reciprocate though, I am working on it and hope to be able to in the next year or so, by the way, what exactly do I need to do that? I know a digital camera, probably a scanner, is it easy to do? Any input guys?



Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Kinda makes you want to garden on the roof so they can't reach it, huh? But for most of us, that's not a reality. I'm lucky to be living in an area where the people who are interested in gardening, already have their own, and the rest could care less. So far, anyway.

West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

Sorry to just jump in but I couldn't help myself! I to have had plants swiped out of my yard, only I was in the window taking note and dialing the cops who quickly pulled the car over and found the seven sunflowers that were ripped out by the roots and the two pots full of annuals, they brought the people (a woman and a teenaged boy) back to my house where I was handed MY things and the woman grumbled "sorry" at me without making eye contact. I said, "you know, gardeners are a happy bunch of folks who love their plants and sharing them, if you want them so very badly ask and I'll show you my gardens and you may choose what ever you like. I'll give it to you." The boy looked amazed, the officer looked like he was going to fall over, and the woman started to cry. She said she was so sorry (this time she sounded like she ment it. They were scolded by the officer and then they took off in their car never to be seen again. They didn't hang around to look at the plants either, but the officer asked me if he and his wife could stop in some day and they have! We share plants a few times a year and I give them some seeds every fall.
I love making new friends!


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Well, my best friend lives about 20 miles from you dmac out of Riedsville and she woke up to find a 4' cement lighthouse gone from the middle of her beautiful yard.
For a great place to get plants go out 29N and get off at Brown Summit. Turn left and Willie's produce/plant place is on the left. The best rose I ever got for Mother was there.
I had a cement birdbath stolen from my yard here in Jax, so I know these things hurt.
I too said, well someone's granny is sure going to like that.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Thank you all for preparing me for the day I might walk in and my backyard is totally cleaned out...

BEAKER_CH: Thanks for the reminder

"...if a man asks for your shirt, give him your cloak as well..."

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Hey sugarweed! Thanks for the plant tip! It's a pretty small world ain't it:) If only someone would take the cannas I'm tired of chasing down the side of the house:LOL:
I guess no one wants to dig them up!

That's a cool outcome from your plantnapping story Greenthumbs! I couldn't even imagine having the nerve to ransack someones garden. I guess I'm going to have to make friendly with the neighbors an give them some stuff when I redo my bed in the fall and try to curb the behavior before it starts

Very comforting stories and help. Ya'll are awesome!

Warren, MI(Zone 5a)

Grenthumbs, Thank you for your story, I feel the same way...I will give people any plant they want but someone stealing them is just a no no. You killed them with kindness, way to go! (and made some friends in the meantime). There is a school at the end of my street and I had a woman who said she had been driving down my street for many years and always admired the flowers/landscape. She was having a backyard wedding and wanted to know if she could have some of my "snow on the mountain" ground cover. I told her of course, she wanted to pay me, I said no, that stuff is like a weed, you can have all you want. I left the potted plants for her on my porch the next day as she picked them up very early in the morning. The woman proceeded to send me a thank you card and a check for $10 yourself some new plants and enjoy! Gardening does bring very good experiences with people even though some of them are not always positive.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I've made more new friends in my home by walking through the garden than I could ever imagine!

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

I guess that's the only good thing about living in a not-so-great area...most of the people on this street could care less to even keep the grass mowed, let alone actually planting things. There are a few of us who actually do put a lot of time and effort into our gardens. So far, nothing has been stolen--I'm actually surprised because I'm pretty bad about leaving things out in plain, flats of flowers, new pots, etc. After reading this thread, I'm going to be more careful! Tamara

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

What rotten luck, stealing plants from peoples yards is like stealing a Christmas tree from the tree lot in December. I don't care if you are poor or not, there is NO excuse for it!
I used to hate the homeowners associations rules and regulations where we live, but there is something to be said for "having" to keep your yard mowed and looking nice. They never gave me any grief for completely changing the landscaping that came with the house!

This message was edited May 19, 2006 2:23 AM

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

My neighbor had someone dig up some of the large hens and chickens she has planted all over around her driveway. There are so many she might not have noticed a few missing except that they took the prize one that was about 8" across at the time. Fortunately, the H&C's love her yard and she has since grown several other huge ones but further back off the street.
I have had to have words with the garbage man who was dumping my empty recycle bins on the rock lined flower beds at the bottom of my driveway. They nearly took out my hosta down there. I have gold standard, patriot and a couple of nameless varieties and it is only this year that they started doing this. Now the plants are out and he can see them so we should be OK.

Tyrone, GA(Zone 7b)

You know, it is true that behind every dark cloud is a silver lining -- Grenthumb, Gardenbeads, etc... Well Done!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

OK...I was feeling better. Got my bougainvilleas and some nice tomato plants. Came home today after work and my back door was kicked in! The animals stayed in the house thank goodness and all they took was what they could reach from just inside the door (doorknob locked, deadbolt and chain in place, the kick dislodged the frame) which was a few dvd's and oddly enough a hatbox full of pennies! Too weird. Thank goodness I had already vented about stolen stuff so I just took a deep breath and decided not to fly off the handle and just get the door fixed and look for a new place. Rough week ya'll = )

Warren, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh my gosh, that's terrible! I am so sorry. That is surely worse than a stolen plant. Something like that really makes you feel unsafe. Please be on guard..can someone stay with you? I am sure you called the police and made a report? Yes, it must be disappointing and infuriating, but I think moving would be your best bet. Anyway not to change the subject, but I'm glad you got your plants. Please D-mail me if you need to vent further. I can't post anymore now because I am working (I work at home).


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Thank you for your concern:) I had a friend come over who is very handy and things are secure. I'm not the nervous type but it does kind make you put things in perspective. The odd thing is the neighborhood is actually beginning to go through a rejueventation with upscale business/shopping areas and new condos being built around the area.

Big smiles about the plants here too! Thank you for your offer, very sweet of you.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5a)

Wow!! I'm sorry to hear about everyone's stolen plants and such. That's awful. Dmac, I hope you can find someplace that you and your plants can live peacefuly. Now I'm thinking about getting security camera's to put outside. I might even see the toads that live under the daylillies playing in their jazz band. We don't have much yet but we're working on it. I'm wanting to get an abundance of perennials but they're kinda pricey. I'll get a little at a time and keep my eye on them. My neighbor's and I keep an eye on each other's property so everything should be ok. Although some of my neighbor's have been threatening to dig up my grass and put it in their yards so they too can have a lush lawn. I think I'd notice that right away.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Thank you for your concern:) I'm doing fine now... I've been in the same place since 94 and hadn't had anything bad happen in all that time. My next door neighbor and I used to keep an eye out for each other but she passed away a few years ago.

I don't really think plant theft is a rampant problem but it is a bit discouraging. It's kinda creepy to think that someone is watching what you do and plotting on how to get it. I still think it's the exception not the rule. I guess the one thing I've picked up from gardening/gardeners is that plants can grow again, recover, adapt or be replaced. I just get the chance to nuture some new plants.

Oh, now when I was a homeowner I may have been after your grass too:) Of course, we lived in New Mexico and the watering alone was an ordeal. I came to understand why so many people did the lava rock/cactus landscaping. My dad threatened to do that to our front yard which would have meant tearing out 4 20 year old lilacs, 4 rose of sharon's and 2 huge non bearing mulberries. I'm glad he changed his mind. I still remember when the new widow moved in next door to us. The front yard had a gorgeous huge weeping willow tree with the whole base of the trunk surrounded by wisteria sort of trained into a giant weeping hedge. They tore all of it out and just had lawn.

If I get to tear up some of my garden this fall I'll keep you in mind for any perennials I may have.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5a)

Thanks, dmac, I'd greatly appreciate it if you kept me in mind. I don't get on here much cause I'm usually on the road (truck driver). I love driving around and looking at all the different landscapes. I'll be sure renew my subscription from here on out. Everyone on here is so helpful and patient.

It's good that you're doing ok now.

(Zone 6a)

Oh my goodness, thats terrible! I'm sorry about your boug., but glad to hear you got some new ones to replace it. We've never had any plant theft where we are, but once someone swiped a bicycle out of our backyard while we went out! Our yard is completly fenced in with a gate. Someone just waltzed in and took it.
Like someone else mentioned, I am very possessive of my plants and would no doubt fly through the roof if someone took them.
I hope you're able to find a new place with better neighbors!


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Thank you Steve! Good news is I finally broke into my first pack of Messenger and I'm very pleased with what I think the result were. I had ordered 2 replacement bougs and left them in the box over the weekend at work. Of course when I finally got them home and into a pot, all the leaves were still in the box!:) Last Sunday I made up a bottle of Messenger, a quarter tsp in a quart spray bottle and hit the pots. I sprayed my little boug twigs (they looked like antennae sticking up out of the dirt) and today, not even a full week later they have over a dozen tiny bright green leaves all over! I don't think it would have recovered and leafed out as quickly without the Messenger. I had the above mentioned stolen plant drop leaves too and it hadn't recovered in a two week period even using Miracle Grow and SuperThrive. I just wish I had treated my other plants earlier, especially the spring flowering ones:)
Thanks again!

(Zone 6a)

Wow, I should try Messenger sometime. I've heard wonders about it here on DG. Thats great! I'm so glad they leafed out :)
Are bougs easy to overwinter? Just wondering incase I get one!


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Hi Steve,
I don't know how they will overwinter since this is my first year trying them. Another member mentioned that she's had a couple overwinter in SCarolina so all I can do is try.
Our winters are so inconsistant from one year to the next. This past winter we got almost no snow or ice to speak of. I don't even remember it getting very cold.

Would you like a couple packs of Messenger to try? I have a couple extra I can put in the mail today if you dmail me your address fast enough or I can mail on Monday if we miss the carrier today.
Let me know.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5a)

I'm thinking about ordering some Messenger myself. I was looking at the website for it and you can buy single dose packets. From everything that I've read on here I guess the stuff really works. I've also read that some people bought it at Lowe's. The Lowe's stores around me don't carry it. I asked a clerck at my nearest store and she said that she's never heard of it. So, I guess my best bet would be to order it online.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

The first time I ordered was through their website and it was really easy. Just register and order. They have Messenger (harpin protein), MightyPlant (like miracle grow add to water fertilizer only with a tiny bit of the harpin protein added) and the "Puffer" bottle for dry powder application to treat packets of seeds before planting.

They also have a retail outlet locator at their website so you can enter your zip code and see where the closest retailer is. In my town it was a small high end nursery and they were selling 3 packs for $10.99.

Watch the co-op forum too. I'm sure there will be another one since the past two were so successful.

(Zone 6a)

Thanks Donna, I got your D-mail :)

(Caitlin) Fresno, CA(Zone 9b)

My mom had a lovely planted pot of annuals and bacopa stolen off her doorstep...but they live on a busy corner. I have a birdbath out front and my neighbors have warned me that it may get one consolation is that it is VERY heavy, so unless it's 2-3 big burly men stealing it, they'll throw their backs out trying to lift it!

Grenthumbs, I love your story. I'm so glad that you were so kind to that lady - I'm sure you made a difference in her life, so much more than if you had been angry. =) Good job!

(Caitlin) Fresno, CA(Zone 9b)

Well, just came back from a weekend trip and the pot on the bottom left was missing, made me think of your thread, Dmac!
All well, the whole thing was starting to look a little ratty anyway...but this makes me a little less hopeful for the future of my birdbath!! =)

Thumbnail by Wifeygirl
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I'm so sorry to hear that! It is so weird what people will steal. (I'd have gone for the big one:LOL:) Your pots are gorgeous! The big one has some million bells and a nasturtium right? Which Nasturtium? I love the lime green leaves and the red flowers! I bought Million Bells Terra Cotta the first year I saw it and it got so huge and bushy. I loved it, but each year since then I cannot get it to thrive to save my life and I'm getting the $$ Proven Winners too. The blue and white is really cute too. That color blue is a favorite, I usually try to grow some Crystal Palace Lobelia every year just for that color.

I will say that my very heavy two piece bird bath has managed to stick around for about 10 years now with no incident (other than my back pain when I get the brilliant idea to move it!). It's bottom is 4 sided and sloped to a wide base with Celtic knot designs and the top is square and the bottom of the dish part has a Celtic knot pattern on it. Pretty but a pain to scrub clean:) I've put more pots out since the bougie-knapping and all have managed to stay put for the time being so keep your fingers crossed for both of us, I will!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

My sister used to live in Atlanta and told me the story of an elderly lady in one of the older neighborhoods who was constantly having her plants stolen. She cultivated two beautiful baskets of poison ivy and yep, they were taken as well. Shortly afterwards though she stopped losing plants. Jan

Hebron, KY


LOL! That was a great idea of that woman! Good for her! Thanks for sharing that with all of us!


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